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wow im back from the dead of 4 days,, feels like 4 years wtf? 4 days...wattpad r you lying

anywAYS OVER 600 reads and over 100 comments??? aaaa what im so??? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH WTFFFFFFFF 

Can we get this to 100 votes by the end of january mebbies?


Your team ended up losing. As Fukurodani gained the last winning point you sank to your feet.

"My money." you fake sobbed. Nishinoya came over and gave you a sympathetic pat on the back and helped you stand.

"We'll avenge this tragedy one day, (l/n)." he vowed as you both head over to the rest of the team for diving drills once more. Smiling, you sent him a firm nod as you and the rest of the team induldged in the reprecussions of loss. 

After (failing miserably) completing the diving drills, you stayed laying on the floor, exasperated breaths falling out of your mouth. Hinata, who too was sprawled out on the floor, rolled his way over to you. His slightly shaggy ginger hair mixed with your (h/c) hair as you lay side by side. 

"What's up Hinata?" you asked him through your laboured breaths. 

"I...I don't want to lose anymore, (l/n)-chan." he told you, his voice firm, though it became childish as he used your name.

"You won't Hinata-kun. We won't." you replied, referring to the rest of the team rather than just the two of you. You knew it would be selfish to talk about just the two of you as all you were, was an extra. Someone there designed to be used in a way to benefit the team more than yourself. You didn't mind however, you enjoyed their company and it helped to improve your fitness thanks to the unrelenting training. 

"How do you know?" he asked you as he sat up and stared at you, his eye's looking almost dead. Blinking a few times you sat up and stared back at him. 

With a shrug you replied. "Call it a woman's intuition."

Standing, you held your hand out to the red head to help pull him up. "Now let's go join the team, I'm starved." you shot him a smile and began to walk over to the others, waving at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You walk however, was cut short.

"Hey, hey, hey!" you heard someone shout near your ear. Turning around you eyes met with Bokuto's, who was waving his arm wildly and walking towards you. "How's it feel to lose to me (l/n)?" he asked as he swung an arm around your shoulder. 

One of his team mates, the setter you believed, walked over to the two of you and sighed. "Bokuto-san I don't think this is necessary." he said as he watched Bokuto swing you back and forth.

"Bo-Bokuto-san, stop." you asked him as you became winded, his swinging catching you off guard and knocking the wind out of you. He placed you back on your feet though kept his arm over your shoulders. "Anyway, what do you want?" as you began to walk over to your team, who was now watching you. Tanaka and Nishinoya were being held back by Ennoshita and Daichi and Tsukishima was glaring at something with his fists clenched. 'Wonder what got his undies in a twist.' you thought to yourself.

"Ohonhon how could you forget? You owe me food." he shouted, giving your shoulders a squeeze.

"Oh, yeah. About that...I don't have a lot of money haha...so maybe I can make you something instead? How about it?" you asked and took yourself out of his grasp to give him your hand. He just stared at you and looked back at Akaashi. He then turned to you, pointing at you, then looked back at Akaashi. He walked over to the setter and began whispering to him. To be honest it was whisper shouting, but before you could listen in someone came over to talk to you.

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