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Words: 1376
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in the series: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Cindy Moon, Flash Thompson, Ned Leeds, Hector Cervantez, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Happy Hogan, James Rhodes
Features in this part: Tony Stark, Cindy Moon, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: throughout everything in the story the reader has traumatic and selective mutism. The Starks suffered a tragedy and it touches on them throughout the whole story, so, yeah. There is also some swearing but it isn't totally overdone.
Chapter Summary: Starting in 2014, (Y/N) tells her father about a discovery she made, and gets both Tony's and Happy's reaction. Flash forward three years, (Y/N) is preparing for a very important day and meets someone who is scarily excited.
Author's Note: ahh! I'm so excited to finally get this out! I've been working on this since December and I'm so excited for people to read it. It will be posted every day and is 20 parts total and I can't wait for it all to happen!

This story does not relate to Infinity War in any way. The story takes place at a different point in time than Infinity War does...plus I wrote this like 6 months before IW came out. Spoiler free!


2014. 3 years ago. Age 14.

"Dad..." You whispered as you walked into your father's lab late at night.

"(Y/N), what are you still doing up?" He asked, dropping everything to talk to you. "It's late."

You nodded and fiddled with your hands. "I know...but, uh. My soulmate loves you more than they love me."

Tony laughed, not really processing what you were saying. "What do you mean? I'm sure they love you just as much!" Tony told you.

Again, quietly, you spoke. "I'm not sure. My tattoo sentence is about you-"

"Wait," Tony held up his hand. "Did you say...soulmate?"

You giggled quietly. "Look," You smiled a little.

"I told you, you do have a soulmate!" Tony shouted and ran over to give you a hug. "I knew it! I told you your speaking would not get in the way and you would still have a soulmate!" Tony beamed.

You looked down. "I know."

"Come on, let's celebrate. How's ice cream sound?" He asked you.

"I thought it was late-"

"Forget that! This is important! Let's go get Happy and celebrate!" Tony grabbed your hand and rushed out of the room. "Happy, you're never going to believe this!" Tony shouted, and Happy cane darting over.

"What's going on?" Happy asked.

Tony showed him your arm and Happy gasped. "(Y/N)! That's amazing!"

As your dad explained that the three of you were going for ice cream, you glanced down at your arm where the new tattoo appeared.

I can't believe we get to meet Tony Stark!


September 2017. Age 17. First day of junior year/year 11.

"Are you...sure?" You whispered to your father in the car. "I can just continue being homeschooled and-"

"(Y/N), we talked about this," Tony said. "You need to go to school for the last few years of high school. I'm getting busier, and the world is getting more dangerous, and we both agreed this is the best thing for you."

You huffed when you saw the school appear in the distance. "But what if people say things about me?" You started.

"They won't. You're (Y/N) Potts-Stark, you won't let anything get to you!" Tony lightly punched your arm. Even now, hearing your mothers name shocked you. The only people who still referred to you with that last name was family and close friends. Publicly, you never hear Potts anymore.

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