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Words: 1268
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: James Rhodes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Cindy Moon, The Moon Family
Warnings: rhodey singing xmas music at the wrong time
Chapter Summary: Happy Thanksgiving! The Stark's celebrate Thanksgiving as their small family with Rhodey and Happy, trying to get through this solemn day. (Y/N) was also invited to dinner at the Moon household, but ran into some trouble before arriving.
Author's Note: My girl finally makes her entrance.


Thanksgiving 2017.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Rhodey opened the main door while he was screaming. "I know, I'm a little early with the music, but I'm in the mood," He laughed.

Rhodey set down a container. "Also, I brought mashed potatoes."

You ran over and hugged Rhodey. "I'm thankful for you!" You exclaimed. "And for the mashed potatoes."

"Of course, little Stark," He hugged back. "What's the plan for today?"

You and Rhodey walked to the kitchen, seeing Tony fiddling with eggs. "Well, it's going to be me, you, Happy, and (Y/N) for a while, and later tonight (Y/N) is going over to Cindy Moon's house for a little while to celebrate with her friend. She said it wouldn't be too long, though, but it should be nice," Tony explained. "Want to help cook?"

"Sure, I can try," Rhodey walked over. "So, where is Happy? Normally he's only a few feet away," Rhodey asked.

You giggled. "I sent him to buy whipped cream. We are completely out! So he said he would try a few stores he thought would be open, but it might be a fail," You explained. "He'll be back soon."

Rhodey laughed and nodded quickly. "So, Tony, what are we cooking?"

"I've got deviled eggs, stuffing, the big-ass turkey, and just have to finish baking the pie."

Rhodey raised an eyebrow at the last one. "Pepper's recipe?"

With a smile, Tony replied. "Pepper's recipe."


It was still a little strange to sit around the table on Thanksgiving with only four people. Everything you had seen about this holiday is that people among people show up to eat food, and everyone has enormous families. But your Thanksgiving consisted of far fewer people: you, your father, Rhodey, and Happy.

You didn't mind, though. It was like this before the tragedy as well, but ever since it happened, you had compared your family to every other one out there. It kept crossing your mind if the Moon household would be filled with cousins and cousins or just the four of them, like yours.

Honestly, you weren't quite sure which one you would rather experience at your best friends house.

When your family sat around the table, they asked you all about school and friendships and anything you wanted to talk about. Occasionally, Tony would get off topic and begin talking about his next project, or Rhodey would joke around, but they always came back to you.

You jumped when your phone buzzed, and you quickly looked down at it.

Peter: happy thanksgiving! I'm thankful for you!

(Y/N): awe, you're lovely. I'm thankful for you too.

"Who texted you? You're smiling- this is good, right?" Tony jumped at your reaction.

You rolled your eyes as a typical teenager does. "It was Peter Parker. He wished us a happy thanksgiving. He's a nice person."

"He's great. A bit annoying sometimes," Tony shrugged. "A good intern, though."

Happy sighed. "I guess he's okay."

After eating a huge lunch, you weren't sure you were going to have room to eat anything at Cindy's house. But that didn't matter; she was just happy that you agreed to spend some time with her and her family.

As you stepped out of the car, your dad rambled about how he loved you and to call or text for anything, which you already knew. He had a car beeping behind him and wasn't able to watch you walk in, but yelled for you to text him once you made it inside.

Of course, as soon as your dad pulled away, some people began to walk up to you. At first, you assumed it was because of Tony Stark and the fact that you're (Y/N) Stark, but then when they yelled for you to drop your bag, you knew it was for a different reason. Instead of running, or even dropping your bag like an average person, you froze like a deer in the headlights.

"A Stark has money. You're a Stark. Give us your bag," The woman pointed while two men walked beside her.

"Yeah," A voice fell from above. "I don't think so," They continued, and within three seconds there were...spider webs? Spider webs encased the three trying to harm you, and you gasped. But it wasn't Spider-Man saving you; it was Silk.

You looked up as she descended from hanging in the air. "You okay?" She asked you, and you nodded. You typed on your phone a quick thank you so much oh my god while you were still trying to catch your breath. "Of course. I'm glad you're okay. Now, get to where you're going and be careful out there," She put her hand on your shoulder. "Oh, and for the record, I'm much better than Spider-Man." She swung away.

You shook your head and laughed under your breath as you walked up the stairs to the Moon household. Knocking on the door, it opened before a minute passed with a big smile. "(Y/N)! It's so good to see you!" Cindy's mom welcomed. "Cindy! (Y/N)'s here!" She shouted.

"Coming!" Cindy ran down the steps, out of breath, and took a deep breath when she reached you. "Happy Thanksgiving! Staying safe out there?" Cindy asked.

You moved your hands to say so-so, planning to text her what happened later. But first, you pulled out your phone to tell your dad you made it inside, safely. You weren't planning on worrying him any more than you already do.

"(Y/N), you've seen my mom before. My dad is currently watching TV over there-"

"Hi there, (Y/N)!" Her father called. "A pleasure to meet you!"

You waved politely and turned back to Cindy. "Who's this?" A younger boy asked with a roll shoved in his mouth.

"Albert, this is (Y/N) Stark, my friend, (Y/N)-"

"You have friends?" Albert scoffed through the food.

The two Moon kids jumped as their mother yelled at Albert for eating before dinner. "Yes, Albert, I have friends. And her father is Tony Stark, who could beat you up if I asked. Anyway, (Y/N), this is Albert, my little brother."

You stuck out your hand to shake Albert's, and he reluctantly grabbed your hand. "Hi," He said, and you nodded. Then, he turned to Cindy. "Isn't she going to say- oh, wait, I'm sorry," He quickly apologized. "I'll be in my room if you guys need me. Come get me for dinner," And with that, Albert rushed off, probably embarrassed.

"He means no harm," Cindy's mom promised you. "Just an awkward boy," She commented.

"Cindy," Her father called, "That vigilante you like is on TV," He said, and Cindy immediately ran over, you following right behind.

Cindy groaned. "Dad, she's not a vigilante. She's a hero! Look!" She pointed at the TV. "She was saving people."

Her dad stopped listening and just laughed at her. He enjoyed messing with her, and how it irritated her so much. It reminded you of how you and your dad interact, and how similar, yet different your families are.

"TV off everyone!" Cindy's mom yelled. "Everything is ready. Albert, honey, come take your turkey out so we can eat," She smiled. You, Cindy, and Albert Jr. sat at the table as you all waited for food. Even though you weren't hungry after your feast, you still appreciated the gesture and being able to spend some of your day with your best friend made you extremely happy. You were very thankful for your best friend, and had no idea what you would do if she weren't assigned to welcome you to the school.

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