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  Words: 1235
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Flash Thompson
Warnings: none, I think.
Chapter Summary: (Y/N) and Peter have an interesting text conversation two days before Chrismas. It's a typical conversation between you two. On Christmas Eve, two surprises happen.
Author's Note: fun fact when yn says she failed her chem test I came up with that after I took my chem test and I failed it.


Stark 2: Did you see a guy dressed as a clown on the last day before break?

Parker Peter: What? No! Who was it?

Stark 2: Flash.

Parker Peter: ...?

Stark 2: He was wearing his regular clothes. But he *looked* ridiculous. Like a clown.

Parker Peter: aren't you...friends with him?

Stark 2: Yeah and that's why I can make fun of him.

Parker Peter: (Y/N).

Stark 2: yeah?

Parker Peter: Nevermind. How did your chem test go?

Stark 2: Pshhhhh... aced it. Totally. 100%

Parker Peter: Me too

Stark 2: I didn't understand a single thing on that test.

Parker: you're joking, right?

Stark 2: No! It was so confusing!

Stark 2: Brb, dad wants me to help him split an atom.

Parker Peter: WHY

Stark 2: I don't know. He's Tony Stark.

Parker Peter: You know what happens when you split an atom, right?

Stark 2: ...I failed my chem test, remember?

Parker Peter: (Y/N), I don't know how you are the daughter of Tony Stark, probably the smartest junior I know, and you claim you failed your chem test.

Parker Peter: also please don't split an atom.

Stark 2: >:( he got distracted by other things in the lab anyway.

Stark 2: and IDK man, I'm really not that smart.

Parker Peter: mmhmm. I've literally seen all your projects. You're a genius.

Stark 2: Flattery.

Parker Peter: ?uh

Stark 2: You're flattering me so I'll give you free food. I know it. Well too bad, it's not going to happen, buddy.

Parker Peter: Where do you get these ideas?

Stark 2: I've been working with Natasha and Cindy about why most of my friends are boys.

Parker Peter: Interesting...

Stark 2: Cindy said Flash is my friend because we Starks know where the good cheese is.

Parker Peter: Valid point.

Stark 2: Ned is my friend because I could kick someone's ass for him, Nat says.

Parker Peter: She's not wrong.

Stark 2: And they both agreed you're my friend to flatter me for free food.

Mute (avengers x mute!stark!reader)Where stories live. Discover now