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  Words: 1171
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Everyone. Even add Hector Cervantez.
Warnings: None! Except for the good cheese ending.
Chapter Summary: In the epilogue, everyone gets together for the day after Thanksgiving celebration at the Stark household. Everyone is happy.
Author's Note: I can't believe it's over. I spent so many months working on this and it's finally all out and all posted. I hope you guys enjoyed the story! It was a rollercoaster. Thank you so so so much for reading!


Epilogue. (The day after) Thanksgiving 2018.

Christmas music played around the tower as you helped your father prepare for the day. Even though it was only the end of November, your dad wanted to get everyone into the spirit early.

To say he was excited was an understatement. This was the first time in years he had the chance to host a small party and was going all out. He stopped throwing parties when you were growing up so he could spend more time with his family, but this was different. All your friends were coming over and Friendsgiving.

"You know," You started as you set plates down on the table. "Mom used to say you were the Gatsby of this time," Then you paused. "Minus all the death and murder, add in some superheroes."

Tony laughed a little. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't understand what she meant before, but since we read it in school, it makes sense. You would throw a lot of parties before you and mom met and got together, then stopped when I was growing up," You pointed out, and Tony shook his head.

"I guess so," He shrugged. "Why did this come up? We're setting up for Thanksgiving?" He asked.

You sat down on the couch, deciding it was time for a break. "I don't know; I was just thinking about it."

"You're a strange kid," He messed up your hair. "Now, no breaks. We have a big day to prepare for!" He pushed your arm, forcing you up. Before you made it back to the table, the doorbell rang, and you ran right to it.

"Peter!" You pulled him into a hug and smiled wide.

Peter laughed a bit and kissed your cheek. "You knew I was coming over. Why are you so surprised?"

"I'm just excited," You confessed. "I'm happy we finally got a time for all of our friends to be over."

Peter put his arm around you, but retreated when he saw Tony staring. "Sorry, sorry," Peter sighed. "How are you, Mr. Stark?"

"I would be even better if my child and her boyfriend would help me get everything ready for today," He sarcastically answered and the two of you ran to his side. Helping him finish some food that needed perfecting and finishing setting the table, everything was finally ready for today. Now, you were just waiting for your guests.

Peter and you sat on the couch, anxiously waiting for someone to appear at the door. Surprisingly, you had a lot of people coming over, and everyone was beyond excited for the day.

There was a knock at the door, and you ran to greet them, making it a race between you and Peter. You opened the door and smiled wide when you saw Cindy and Hector standing on the other side. "Friends!" You screeched and pulled both of them into a hug. "I'm so excited for today- can you tell?"

"Not at all," Cindy shook her head.

"I thought you were dreading doing this," Hector commented. "I mean, we were."

You slapped his shoulder and rolled your eyes as the two of them followed you inside. "So," Cindy started. "What's the gameplan for today?"


Seeing so many people whom you love sat around your dining room table made your heart fill with happiness. Clint, Natasha, your dad, Happy, and Rhodey on one part of your life. Peter, Cindy, Hector, Flash, and Ned on the other. Two different sides of your life coming together in one room, colliding to show you it would all end up okay.

Since you started public school, your whole life changed. You made friends your own age and developed fantastic trust in them, beginning to speak to some people again. Granted, you weren't back to talking to everyone, and will never be, but it was a development. You were letting people into your life again and were not afraid to speak to them. You met your best friends and your soulmate, not quite sure how you did it without your mother by your side.

"Can you pass the potatoes?" Cindy yelled. "Flash!" She yelled again. "Pass the gosh darn potatoes. I'm dying of starvation down here."

"Calm down," Flash responded as he picked them up. "There is enough food to feed an army here. It's not like we'll run out," He argued.

Clint nodded, and it was his turn to intervene. "I'm shocked Tony made all of this. There's a lot of food here, and it's crazy. How did you do it, Tony?" Clint asked and took another bite of his food.

"It was a lot of work," Tony let out a small laugh.

"(Y/N) helped, too," Happy added in.

Tony huffed. "Sure. When she wasn't taking her breaks or talking to her best friend or talking to her boyfriend."

"Oh!" Natasha yelled. "Didn't I win that bet?" She pointed at Cindy. "I think I was the closest."

"Natasha," Cindy glared. "How long ago was that? I don't remember that bet at all."

Hector put his arm around Cindy and laughed. "She's totally lying. She remembers it like it was yesterday. She just doesn't want to admit she lost," Hector smirked when Cindy looked over with a very annoyed face.

The group laughed when it resulted in Cindy yelling at Hector for giving away all her secrets. More food was passed around as more stories were told, and Tony even made a toast.

"To family," He started. "I was so scared to send my baby to school, but I am more than thankful that I did. She met some amazing people, and I never thought a day like this one would come, but here we are. Thank you all for being such great supporters to our tough journey, and I can see all of us remaining a family through any and all ups and downs," Tony continued on. "To us!" He said louder, giving the cue for everyone to clink their glasses.

You zoned out of the conversations, like you typically tended to do. Ned was talking about how he was turning a potato into an alarm clock; then Flash went on to elaborate on how he could make it cooler. Both Natasha and Clint found it amusing when the teenagers talked about school, so they listened intently.

You stared at the chair at the end of the table, your eyes not moving from the emptiness for a few minutes. "Hey," Peter nudged you. "You okay?"

Nodding, you turned back to him and smiled softly. "I'm happy," You said. "I know mom's in her chair, laughing along at every joke."

"I know your dad says it a lot, but I know she's so proud of you," Peter reminded you as the room quieted down.

"This sounds cheesy," You groaned. "So, changing the subject. I want a pet seal, dad," You told him.

Tony pressed his lips together and nodded a few times. "Yeah...the short answer is no."

"The long answer?" You inquired.


The End: For Real This Time


Your Faves will return in Mute 2

August 2021 Note: I just realized I forgot to add an update here. Mute 2 is halfway done! I know it's been a...while, but I still want to finish it. But it has been put on hold due to school and work. I hope to get it done soon but I don't have a timeframe yet. I will post another part to this story when it is completed! Thank you for your patience <3

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