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  Words: 1035
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Cindy Moon, Tony Stark
Warnings: talks about a passed loved one.
Chapter Summary: Peter is introduced and is freaking out that a Stark now goes to Midtown. Cindy and (Y/N) talk about soulmates and (Y/N) listens to her father talk about her mother.
Author's Note: I love mute i love this series im so happy


"Peter!" A kid nearly knocked you over as he ran down the hall screaming the name. You didn't particularly pay attention to him, though, and you headed to find Cindy for second-period history.

"Ned, watch where you're going," Peter laughed when Ned appeared, out of breath.

With heavy breathing, Ned had a big smile on his face. "I know. But this is important. Have you met the new student yet?"

"No, I couldn't have even told you there was a new student," Peter laughed. "I had to meet up with Tony Stark yesterday, and missed most of the school day."

Ned rolled his eyes. "You were with Tony Stark yesterday and he didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"That his daughter, (Y/N) Stark, is the new kid!" Ned hit Peter's shoulder.

Peter raised his eyebrow and grabbed a book out of his locker. "Wait, the one who doesn't talk?"

Crossing his arms, Ned looked at Peter like he was crazy. "No, the dragon slayer. Yes, (Y/N) Stark, his only daughter, the one who doesn't speak," Ned slammed Peter's locker shut and they started walking. "I have two classes with her."

"That is surprising that he didn't mention it," Peter laughed. "Oh well, we were busy. He had a ton of things on his mind."

Peter and Ned walked into the second period, which happened to be with Cindy Moon, and now you. "That's Peter," Cindy whispered to you. "You met Ned yesterday," She reminded you.

Right on cue, the bell rang and everyone sat down. Peter looked at you one last time, smiling a little and nodding towards you, a way for him to say hi.

You looked down at your work and the teacher saved you the embarrassment by starting class. "Glad you could join us today, Peter," She laughed. Peter only shrugged, not getting any words out.

All your English teacher was having you do today was read the assigned chapters, then the rest of class is yours- as long as it is silent. After you read, you decided to text Cindy.

(Y/N) Stark: Do you have a soulmate?

Cindy tried not to laugh and quickly typed a reply.

Cindy Moon: Well, I'm single. I have a tattoo, but I haven't met them yet. You?

(Y/N) Stark: I have a tattoo, but that's as far as I've gotten.

"Do you want to go get ice cream after school?" Cindy whispered, and a smile instantly grew on your face, nodding.


You were sat in your dad's lab while he worked and you worked on homework. "So, the second day of school was good?"

"Yeah, same as yesterday. Except people didn't care about me being there, all the events happened yesterday," You said as you looked at your math homework. "Cindy and I got ice cream, and that was nice. This one kid, Ned, insists that we'll be friends, but Cindy says he's kind of awkward but maybe we will become friends."

Tony nodded and sat down what he was working with. "One of my interns goes to Midtown. Peter Parker, have you met him?" Tony raised his eyebrow.

You shrugged. "We have second and sixth period together, but he's really quiet in class. He waved to me when I was with Cindy but never said a word."

"And...any updates on your soulmate?" Your father wiggled his eyebrows.

Laughing a little, you shook your head. "I mean, besides the fact that it burns more than it ever has before? Nothing. No one at school is talking about you," You joked.

"It's burning?" Tony asked.

"Only at school."

"I've told you how I met your mother, right?"

You nodded and set your pencil down, knowing exactly what was coming. "I've seen the show, and you've told me a few times."

Tony nodded. "It's a good show," He started. "But, she was hired to work in finance. She found an error that could have been very damaging to me and my company, and she went straight through security to tell me."

"I know, she used pepper spray," You smiled, listening to your father talk about your mother, seeing the love still in his eyes.

"Didn't even knock! The nerve!" He laughed. "She burst into my office saying "excuse me, your calculations are wrong!" and I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. She proceeded to apologize for bursting in and yelling, but I was just standing there with my jaw dropped," He blushed. "Instead of saying a smart sentence to battle her...one that I had practiced for years, I just said "who are you, tell me everything, are we soulmates?" like a complete idiot," Laughing, he looked at the picture of Pepper with lovesick eyes. "Luckily, she was just as shocked as I was...but we had to fix the problem before we could discuss anything about what happened."

You laughed every time, thinking about how instead of insisting he was right, he couldn't do anything. That's the first and last time that happened. "But what I didn't tell you was that around the time she started working for me, my tattoo burned like hell. So, maybe now, it's a sign that you're close to your soulmate."

You rolled your eyes. "I don't know, dad."

"You know, I like to think that you have my name on your arm for your soulmate tattoo because I had to live for years knowing that one day I would make a mistake and my soulmate would be the one to catch it. I was cursed, (Y/N)! I checked every calculation three or four times and still messed up! And Pepper caught it!"

You furrowed your eyes brows. "She caught your mistakes all the time."

"I know. Pepper knew best."

"I miss her," You sighed, looking at another picture he had of her in the lab.

Tony got up and gave you a hug. "I know, I do too. She was so amazing..." He marveled. "I know she would be so proud of you, (Y/N), for getting out of your comfort zone and going to school. She's so proud..."

"She's proud of you, too, dad," You reminded him. "She always was."

"Pepper," He whispered. "We miss you so much."

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