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  Words: 1520
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Cindy Moon, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: Anxiety, being crowded, crying
Chapter Summary: The first day of winter break. Cindy and (Y/N) experience something that freaks both of them out, but in the end, only brought them closer.
Author's Note: This was my *favorite* chapter to write. Side note. Cindy as anger issues canonically in the comics and they are hinted at here.


You may have the brains of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, but winter midterms were something you would have never expected. All throughout your homeschooled life, tests were smooth and not at all long or dragged out. But for your first year in high school, these tests took you by surprise, and after you took them, you wanted to sleep for a week straight.

Instead of sleeping, you began winter break by going to grab pizza with Cindy. As Monday is Christmas, you two needed to plan things accordingly. Your first day off is a Thursday, so it made getting lunch easier. Cindy knows Christmas is a hard time for you and your father, and she wanted to help as much as she could with making this holiday a little easier.

"Albert is trying to kill me," Cindy stated as she took a drink. You almost laughed, hearing a different rendition of this story nearly every week. "No, don't laugh!" She cut you off. "I'm serious this time. Yesterday after school I went home, and Albert was already home, and shot me with a nerf gun! Right in the middle of my forehead!"

You nodded, believing that one day Albert would indeed hurt her. The two of you finished your lunch and walked out of the pizza place, planning to head back to your house to watch movies and relax.

But not even ten steps out of the pizza place and people started to swarm around you. Usually, you weren't the main center of attention. But with all the stuff surrounding Christmas, your father beginning new projects, and the news of Silk saving you still circling around, you were an easy target.

Paparazzi ran to you, and their cameras flashed in your face. You desperately tried to weave your way through the crowd, but it was not working. You and Cindy were stuck in the middle of a crowd that carried expensive equipment and annoying attitudes.

Everyone began screaming questions at you, trying to get you to speak to someone, or maybe have Cindy give some inside scoop.

"What are you and your father planning for Christmas?"

"Have you seen Silk since Thanksgiving?"

One stopped Cindy from even getting to you, yelling in her face. "Has she spoken to you?"

Cindy can have trouble with her anger sometimes. She's usually pretty good at handling it, but there are those times where it explodes, and she explodes. "Are you kidding me?" She yelled and pushed past the one in front of her, getting to you. "Stay away from (Y/N)!" She shouted, and as another person got dangerously close to you, Cindy threw a punch. It missed, thankfully, but the point got across.

All of a sudden, the screaming silenced. Everyone looked up, seeing Iron Man lowering before them. "Sorry, everyone, but (Y/N) And Miss Moon have to leave," Tony announced and grabbed the two of you, holding on right.

"Let me at him! I want to-"

"Cindy, let it go," Tony told her, and flew both of you back to the tower.

Tony gently let you two down as he landed and stepped out of his suit. You took deep breaths to help yourself recover, but you were still freaking out. "Does...does that happen a lot?" Cindy asked.

"No. It's probably because of the time of year, and Happy, and I are normally with (Y/N), so it's easy to get away," Tony explained. "Did you punch that person?"

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