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Words: 1247
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Cindy Moon, Flash Thompson, Michele Jones, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds
Warnings: none, I think.
Chapter Summary: Once again, back at the Academic Decathlon Team, it is exhausting. 
Author's Note: things are getting and


Even though your father was now back, Clint and Natasha were still hanging around. For the first time in years, they didn't have anywhere they needed to be, so they stayed with you.

"She's so grown up, Tony," Natasha commented.

"I know, it gets scarier each day," Tony sighed.

You rolled your eyes as you ate breakfast. "I have an Academic Decathlon meeting today. So, I'll need to be picked up later than usual," You reminded the three.

"Sorry, nope. That's not allowed. Today is Taco Tuesday, meaning you aren't allowed to go to some meeting for smart people-"

"Clint," You groaned. "I'm not sure I'm even on the team. You have to talk and shout out answers for that. I can't do that."

Clint crossed his arms. "It's still Taco Tuesday."

"We can get tacos after!" Natasha slapped his arm.

"Let's get out of here before a war starts," Tony patted your shoulder.

Grabbing your bag and taking one last bite, you smiled at the two assassins in your house. "Now, don't kill each other while I'm at school."

"No promises," They said at the same time.


Cindy was, for some reason, very excited about you coming to the academic decathlon meeting. "I'm ready to see you put your knowledge to the test. That's why I'm excited," She justified. You gave her a confused look, the look asking where she got these ideas. "I've seen your papers for class. You're smart as hell. Well, your dad is Tony Stark, so I guess you got a lot of his brains."

You rolled your eyes and set your bag down at a table. Now that you weren't the center of attention, you were able to get a good look at everyone and everything in the gym. There was a decent amount of people on the team, but not nearly as many as it felt when all eyes were on you last time you were in this room.

"(Y/N)! Glad you could make it!" Flash ran up and held up his hand for a high five. "The rest of your day go well?" Flash asked, and you nodded with a smile. Cindy had walked away to talk to the kid you recognized as Abraham and left you alone.

"Okay everyone," Michelle Jones called the group together. "Sit down in groups and let's get to studying. I've got a bunch of questions right here," She held up some papers. "So let's get to quizzing!"

You sat down at the table you left your bag at, and Flash sat with you. You motioned to Peter to sit with you, but Ned didn't see and walked to sit with Cindy. Michelle even joined your table, making you a group of four.

"So, let's go around in a circle to answer some questions, yeah?" Michelle asked. "Just read off the next one and don't peek at the answers and it'll be fair," She offered. "Flash, you're first."

Michelle began to read off questions and pass around the paper. Flash read to you, you wrote down your answer and showed them, getting it right. To be fair, it was a really easy question. Then it was passed back to Michelle to read to Peter, as you were not going to be reading off any questions. Things were going smoothly until about halfway through when Peter lost all sense of smartness.

Michelle read off a question for him, and it was quite easy. It was a topic in class a few days ago, as the teacher went off on a tangent. The unit you were in wasn't even about this question, but it helped you know this answer!

"This was the cause of the Athens epidemic from 430 to 427 BC," She read. "This is an easy one, Peter."

Peter's eyes widened. "It is?" He asked. "Uh, I have no idea, honestly."

"No, you have to know it. We were in the same class when the teacher went crazy about this subject," Flash demanded. "You know it. We aren't helping you until you get it."

Peter groaned. "I don't know...some disease."

You moved your hands in a circle to indicate that he just had to go a little further to get the answer. Peter went very vague about other types of diseases, all from the wrong time periods, and the wrong name.

You got more frustrated as he continued to guess incorrectly. You were flailing your arms around, making Peter look at you like you're crazy, and Flash laugh more than he ever laughs.

"I seriously have no idea," Peter chuckled. "Sorry, guys."

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Fine. The answer is-"

"Actually, (Y/N), would you like to answer?" Flash cut her off.

You nodded quickly and wrote very big on a piece of paper, turning it around and slamming it in front of Peter. It was written in a bright blue marker and covered the entire page.

"Oh..." He sighed. "Smallpox."

You leaned back in your chair and put your hands over your eyes. Then, you pulled out your phone and texted Flash. 

(Y/N): This. Is. Exhausting.

Flash laughed and nodded. 

Flash: It's mostly Peter, though. We aren't all like that!

You put your hands back over your eyes again and sighed. "Did you guys break (Y/N)?" Cindy asked from another table. "I'll break you, if you did," She threatened.

"No, it was just Peter," Michelle said without moving at all.

"All Peter," Flash added.

Peter looked around quickly like he was looking for an escape. "I'm feeling very attacked."

"Again, Peter? Wasn't one time enough?" Cindy joked.

You got distracted from the conversation the group was having with a text from Clint. 

Barton, Clint: Hey (Y/N), Natasha and I had to leave for an urgent mission. Not sure when we'll be back, but we will be back to help you celebrate the holidays. Maybe I'll even bring the kids that you love so much! Oh, and Laura, of course. We'll see you soon!

Your smile faded as you realized that they were gone. Your house was going to be quieter again, even though that's what you're used to. 

(Y/N): I've gotta get going, Dad's here. 

You texted Cindy after getting another text from your father that he was at the school.

"I'll be back, guys, I'm going to walk (Y/N) out," Cindy announced to the group as you gathered up your stuff. Within a minute, the two of you were walking out of the school together. "Did today's meeting go better than before?" She asked.

You nodded with a laugh, but she already knew the answer. You didn't run out crying this time, so it was a success. Upon spotting your dad's car, a big smile grew on your face. When you opened the door, he said hi and waved to your friend. "Hello again, Miss Cindy Moon. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm great, Mr. Stark!" Cindy replied. "Today's meeting was so great. (Y/N), I'm so happy you came. Think you'll come again?" She asked.

You nodded, once again, and were very happy after a good day at school. Minus the text that Clint and Natasha left, everything was going great. You and Peter stopped being awkward, even though he can be foolish. You and Cindy grow closer every day, as do you and Flash.

When you thought about things like this with making friends and going to school, your dad's voice rings through your head.

Your mom is so proud of you.

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