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  Words: 1272
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Peter Parker, Flash Thompson, Cindy Moon, Ned Leeds, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: none, i think.
Chapter Summary: (Y/N) tells Cindy she gets to leave for the rest of the day and Flash and (Y/N) start work on their project. Tony has to leave for a business trip, leaving two trusted friends to babysit.
Author's Note: my girl and boy are finally joining the series


Peter missed second period; he was too busy freaking out in nurses office saying he felt sick. In reality, he didn't want to see you and embarrass himself even more, or freak you out. Once the bell rang, he felt much better and rushed to third period. He wouldn't have to see you until sixth period. And he had a plan.

But during second period, Cindy comforted you and reminded you that everything was all right. And if people made fun of you, she would personally kick their asses. "Or you could just...borrow your dad's suit," She claimed. If only she knew how you tried as a child, and how much trouble you got in.

Ned also responded to your text, but wasn't sure what to say to you. He was ecstatic that you didn't hate him or Peter, but you wanted to be friends! He decided maybe you just needed to be left alone for a little bit, and he did precisely that.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Flash smiled and waved from his desk in third period.

"Making friends, I see," Cindy laughed a little. "I'll see you at lunch, yeah?"

You shook your head and sent her a text.

(Y/N) Stark: Going to lunch with my dad. Won't be back the rest of the day.

"Well then I'll be sure to text you tonight," Cindy nodded once to confirm. "Have a great day, (Y/N)."

You nodded in return and walked into the classroom, taking the empty seat next to Flash. Your history teacher didn't assign seats, saying that in college they don't do that, just handle yourselves and I won't make a chart.

"How are you?" Flash asked, and in response, you made a hand gesture that meant so-so. "That's good. I mean, it's school. How good can it get?" He laughed. You agreed with him, and before the conversation took an awkward turn, the bell rang, and the teacher began to talk.

"All right guys, time for our first project!" The teacher clapped his hands together. "I heard some of you already knew about the project and got partners, but if you don't have partners, let's pair you up," The teacher said, only a few minutes later did the lecture begin. "So, the project..." He said as he passed out papers.

You and Flash looked at the paper and read that you had to discuss a time of government. There were many different time periods to choose from, and Flash made it clear that he didn't care which one you guys did, so you decided. When the teacher came around, you pointed to the first one: 1790s-early 1800s. You smiled when he told you the two of you could do that one, and you wrote something down for Flash.

"You've seen Hamilton?" He gasped. "That's awesome."


Your dad took you out for lunch today, and you got out of school for the rest of the day. He was about to leave for a meeting and would only be gone for three days, but he hated leaving. Most times he just took you with him, but now you were in school and had to stay. Luckily, though, he arranged for Natasha and Clint to watch over you, as they're the only others that you talk to. Typically, he'd have Rhodey watch, but Rhodey was going on the trip with Tony.

"You're still sure you don't want to come with me? I can pull you out of school," Tony offered while the two of you sat in a restaurant.

"I'm sure," You whispered with a laugh. "I can't leave my project partner now. Plus, I haven't seen Clint in a long time. He needs the love," You joked.

Tony wiped a fake tear. "They grow up so fast."

"Oh, my gosh," You said and turned your head to look out the window.

Somehow, you managed to get through lunch without anyone screaming Tony Stark! Or interrupting your meal. It was nice, and a great chance to be with your dad before he had to leave.

Peter had a plan for sixth period. He was going to take a deep breath, go up to you, and apologize. Then he would introduce himself properly and smile, hoping he could put every awkward thing behind and be friends.

He walked into sixth period expecting to see you next to Ned like these past few days, but you weren't there. "Where's (Y/N)?" Peter asked after taking his seat.

"Cindy said she left at lunch. Something about Tony taking her out for the rest of the day," Ned shrugged. "She needs the break, though, I don't blame her."

"Mr. Stark is going on a trip for a few days. I wonder if she's going with him," Peter wondered. "Well, darn, I had a whole plan to talk to her and everything!" He laughed.

Ned looked at Peter like he was crazy. "You...had a plan?"

"I'm socially awkward. What else should I do?"

"You've got a point there," Ned pointed. "Guess you'll have to put the plan on hold until tomorrow."

Peter groaned, sinking back in his chair. "You're giving me a headache, shut up," Flash rolled his eyes towards Peter.

"Hey, Flash, you're friends with (Y/N), right?" Ned asked.

"Yeah," He nodded.

"Do you know if she's going on the trip with her dad?" Ned smiled.

Flash shook his head. "No, she's not. She said she couldn't leave school now since all the work is piling up. And we have a project, so she didn't want to leave. At least that's what she texted me after class," He said.

"That makes sense," Peter nodded. "Thanks."


You sat in your room, clicking through random posts on your computer. Tony had already left by now, so you had about an hour to kill.

All of a sudden, your door was thrown open, and you jumped. "(Y/N)!" The familiar voice of Clint Barton yelled. "You've gotten so big!" He smiled.

"Hi, Clint," You giggled.

"I hear you're going to school! And making friends! And- gasp- having fun?" He joked. Within a second, he jumped on your bed with a plop and a big smile. "Tell me all about it."

You laughed again and looked up to see Natasha standing in the doorway. "What are you, five?" She asked.

"I'm just excited for (Y/N). This is a big step. A big, mature, exciting step," Clint said. "And probably the most interaction she's had with people outside immediate family and friends in-"

"Four years," You cut him off.

Natasha's jaw dropped. "Has it really been that long?" She marveled and sat on the bed next to you. You nodded, turning to close your laptop. "Wow."

"I know," You whispered.

"Let's move to a lighter topic," Clint smiled. "How's dinner sound? Then some movies? Or...do you have homework?"

Nodding, you pulled out some papers. "Just a little bit. I promised Flash I would get some of our work started and some math work. But that shouldn't take too long," You told them. "Maybe, order some food, and I'll be done when it gets here?"

"Sounds like a plan!" Natasha said, and walked out of the room to order the food.

"Seriously, kid," Clint rubbed the top of your head, "I'm really proud of you. We all are."

"Thanks, Clint," You looked up at him. "I love you."

"Love you too! Now, do your homework! Or I ground you-" He stopped himself and gasped. "I've always wanted to say that to you."

"Why?" You laughed, but before you could get a response, Clint ran out of the room, leaving you with your homework.

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