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Words: 1147
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Natasha Romanoff, Cindy Moon, Flash Thompson, Tony Stark
Warnings: none, I think.
Chapter Summary: Happy Valentine's Day! For single people day, (Y/N) invites Flash over for pizza and some movies. Even if Natasha and Cindy want Peter to be the one to come over.
Author's Note: we are so close to the end im sad im emotionally attached to this baby


You demanded on having another girls night with Cindy and Natasha as Valentine's Day came up. You knew Hector would take Cindy out on actual Valentine's Day, so you guys got together the weekend before. It was also the weekend before your mother's birthday, so you were trying to do something to keep it off your mind. Sadly, Clint ended up staying home and not making it to be an honorary girl.

"I think you should take Peter to dinner," Cindy smiled evilly.

"You should," Natasha added with many nods.

You rolled your eyes and took a drink from your water bottle. "He's got stuff going on, not that I think we would really ever go out," You shrugged. "I'm thinking of inviting Flash over for some single people pizza. Lots of garlic bread."

Natasha laughed lightly. "Single people pizza?"

"I need something to do that night. And Flash already told me he wasn't doing anything, so I want to invite my friend over," You shrugged. "Since my best friend is abandoning me!" You shot a glare at Cindy.

"It's not my fault that he's my soulmate," Cindy laughed. "Well, I guess it kind of is," She sighed. "But anyway, I never pictured you and Flash becoming this good of friends. Not to mention how he and Peter are getting along now. What did you do to them?"

You shrugged and took another drink of water. "Well, Flash found out Peter is Spider-Man so now he feels like he's in on this big secret and is, for some reason, getting along much better with Peter," You nodded as you spoke.

Cindy looked at you with wide eyes when you realized what escaped your mouth. "Well...oops?" You smiled wide, trying to figure out how you could fix this mistake.


You grabbed your laptop and a few blankets and started walking up the stairs. "What are you doing?" Tony laughed at you.

"I'm preparing stuff for my movie and pizza night with Flash. We're going to sit on the roof."

"Is that really a good idea? Instead of your laptop...you could use the bigger TV?" Tony offered. "Besides, I was sure you would invite Peter over. He's a good kid, and really likes you," Tony smirked.

You groaned and dropped the blankets on the floor, setting your laptop on the coffee table. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

Shrugging, Tony took a drink of what was in his hand. "Not sure. Have you spoken to him?"

You shook your head. "I'm scared to."


"I'm scared to talk to him," You confessed. "He's one of my closest friends, and I trust him, and I'm so glad we're friends, but I'm afraid to talk to him. And of course, I like him- I think- because he's just a great person."

Tony patted the couch so you would sit after he finally took a seat. "What are you scared of?"

You shrugged and covered your eyes as you talked to your father. "I don't know. Scared of finding out we're soulmates. Scared of finding out we're not soulmates," You could feel your eyes tearing up. "What if what I first say to him isn't his tattoo? What does that mean?"

Tony put his hand on your shoulder. "Hey," He started, making you look at him. "A lot of people do not meet their soulmates. You're getting lucky; you already know halfway if he is yours. You only have to take the chance and see what happens, or just let it play out by itself. Besides, soulmates or not, Peter won't care. That kid is so in love he doesn't even know it, but it won't even matter if you guys aren't soulmates. He'll still be his awkward self, not completely sure how to act around you, and tripping over nothing," Tony comforted. "If you trust Peter and can see him with you the rest of your life, then I say you should take the chance."

You nodded as you listened, trying to calm yourself down. "But that's up to you entirely. If you want to take the chance, go for it, and I'll support you fully. And if you don't want to take the chance, I'll still be right here, supporting every decision you make," He told you. "Unless it involves drugs. That I can't support."

Your laugh broke the serious conversation, as it is hard for you guys to keep straight faces. You should have known that he was going to make some type of joke, and you were glad he did. Your dad wiped your tears away with his thumb, and your smile grew as he looked at you. "I'm so proud of you. You've come so far, and you have no idea how insanely proud I am of you. And I know I say it a lot, but I'm sure your mother is watching, smiling about how proud she is of you, too," Tony finished, and gave you a tight hug. With a knock at the door, he let go of you. "Looks like it's time for your single people Valentine's Day," Tony concluded, and stood up to walk away.

You wiped your eyes once more and went to open the door, knowing Flash was on the other side. "I have the pizza," He greeted. "And lots of garlic bread, per your request,"

"And I have the movies and blankets!" You smiled wide, welcoming Flash inside.

He followed you to the couch that sat in front of a big TV. Sure, he had been in your house before, but he would never be used to the luxury. "Dad said he would leave us alone, and if we hear things come from his lab, we should ignore it. Unless he's screaming really loud. Then we can check," You nodded once to confirm your story.

Flash set the pizza down on the coffee table, next to your laptop, and smiled as you talked. "I was going to have us watch movies on the roof, but dad said that was a stupid idea," You shrugged.

"It's also going to rain soon," Flash added. "Probably better that we're inside."

Nodding again, you opened up the pizza and took a slice. "I used to love Valentine's Day," You started. "My mom would get me some cute little Valentine's candy and usually a bright pink heart card. It was so sweet," You awed at the memory.

Flash shrugged. "I've never been a real big fan of it. Ever since we stopped the parties in school, it's a boring holiday," He concluded.

"My dad's trying to set me up with Peter," You laughed.

"I can see it," Flash agreed. "He's a dork, though."

"That's true, but dorks are good," Your argument made Flash shake his head and grab a piece of pizza.

After taking a bite, he spoke. "So, what movies are we watching?"

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