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  Words: 1280
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Hector Cervantez, Cindy Moon, Flash Thompson, Peter Parker,
Warnings: none, i think.
Chapter Summary: Cindy's soulmate shoots his shot. (Y/N) goes to lunch with Flash...developments happen.
Author's Note: Another semi-important one. Now we are really getting intense! I also really love writing Flash- he's so underdeveloped in the mcu that I can shape him into whatever I want and I live for it.


January 3, 2018

January is just as hard as Christmas. Christmas may have been the last holiday you saw with your mother, but January is when her death occurred, and your life changed forever.

Going back to school was difficult. Everything in your head was swirling around, and it was an uncomfortable feeling. You wouldn't be able to talk to Cindy whenever you wanted; you were keeping quiet.

"Welcome back everyone!" Your first-period teacher greeted. "Did everyone have a fantastic winter break?"

You shrugged while students began talking amongst themselves about their activities. All of a sudden, everyone went silent when the door slammed open. "Excuse me, Mr. Cervantez, this is not your class period. Can I help you?"

"Yeah," Hector nodded and handed the teacher a pass with a smile on his face.

"Miss Moon," The teacher called and held out the pass for her to grab. "To the attendance office. Out you go, Hector."

You smiled widely as Cindy stood up to leave, walking with Hector to the office. As the teacher had students talk about their breaks, a few minutes went by until Cindy texted.


Stark 2: marry him.

You could almost hear Cindy's eye-roll at your response. A ton of girls are in love with Hector, and Cindy just so happened to be the soulmate.

Cin: I'm eating lunch with him today. Is that ok? If you want to go together still I'll tell him no.

Stark 2: No, go with him!!! You are my dream couple. Talk to him at lunch :)

The class seemed to fly by. You were pushing your thoughts to the back of your head to focus on your work, trying to get through these days as easily as you could.

Flash made you jump when he sat down next to you in history. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" He chuckled.

You made an 'o' shape with your mouth when you saw him and went to dig in your bag. You grabbed out the card with his name on the front and put it in front of his face. His eyes grew wide and smiled. "I said you didn't have to get me anything," Flash crossed his arms and argued.

In response, you only pushed it closer to him. Giving in, Flash took the card and rolled his eyes while opening it. He smiled wide when he read what you wrote, and was truly happy at your gift.

A gift card for music fell out of the card, and he quickly picked it up to secure the safety.

Thank you so much for the music. I love listening to it and even got my dad to jam to it! It plays all the time and we uploaded it to have FRIDAY play it on demand. I know a gift card is...well, kind of a lame gift. But! It's for music. And you like music. So I thought you would enjoy being able to get more music. Yay? Whatever, Flash, I'm so glad we're friends! Merry (late) Christmas!

Along with your cute message, there was a cheesy Christmas message on the other side of the card. "This is so sweet, (Y/N)," Flash awed. "Do you want to go get food after school? I know I'll be starving and I feel like we've barely seen each other recently," Flash said.

You nodded quickly to show you really did want to go with him. You had already given Peter the thank you card for his gift of an atom science set, which made you laugh, and gave him a gift card as well. You and Cindy exchanged gifts the day after Christmas, and you knew she would most likely be with Hector after school.



"How's tomorrow?" Peter asked you. "I really want to go to that candy store."

For what felt like the hundredth time today, you nodded again. "Great! We can go after school. I can even get May to drive us, she'd love to," Peter told you.

You gave him a double thumbs up, and he opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off by Flash running up. "Ready to go, (Y/N)?" He asked. "Oh, hi, Parker," Flash sighed when he realized who was talking to you.

You slapped Flash's arm, and he rolled his eyes. "Hi, Peter. How's your day going?" Flash repeated.

Peter was taken by surprise and stammered over his words. "Uh...I'm- I'm good. H-how are you?"

"Fantastic," Flash responded. "(Y/N) and I are going to get food. Do you...want to come with us?"

Peter blinked and was silent for a second before he responded. "Uh...I'm okay, thank you. Actually, I have to take care of some things for Mr. Stark..." He trailed off. "Have fun guys, I'll see you tomorrow!" Peter said and ran off to meet with Ned as they walked away, heading towards Stark Tower.

"Well, that was weird," Flash shrugged. "Shall we get going?" Flash began to lead the way to his car, and you already texted your dad that you would be home late.


"I see your judging eyes. Stop judging me. I yelled for a genuine reason so you can't judge me for yelling at a complete idiot," Flash tried to defend himself. Apparently, in his math class, he told someone off when the teacher wasn't in the room. You were upset with him, as you know he's better than that, but it's not like you guys can go back in time.

You laughed a little. The waiter came over to your table and sighed when dessert was denied. "Are you guys on the same bill?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll take it," Flash grabbed it from the man. He walked away, and you groaned at him. "I got it this time," He stuck his tongue out.

"No fair," You grumbled. "You always get it. It's my turn."

Flash put his card on top of the check and shook his head. "Nope, I invited you. I'm paying."

"I get it next time," You determined.

"Whatever," He said and took a sip of his water. Then, his eyes grew wide, and he spit out all the water in his mouth, right into your face. "Wait!" He screamed, then realized what he did. Quickly grabbing his napkins, he reached across the table and dabbed your face. "Oh my god, (Y/N), I'm so sorry. Oh my god," He continued to mumble over and over.

"It's okay," You laughed out and wiped off your face. It took you a moment to realize why he spit water all over you; then you realized you talked to Flash without even thinking about it. This was a significant step.

You burst out laughing as Flash continued to apologize and clean his mess. It was then he realized he had never truly heard you laugh out loud like that, and he really liked hearing your laugh. Honestly, he really liked your voice in general. Flash understood how much trust and friendship you speaking to him meant, and he would value everything you put into the friendship. He was ecstatic, and if he were still a jerk, this would be something to rub in Peter Parker's face.

But ever since he met you, he didn't want to focus on teasing Peter; he was just so happy your friendship has reached an all new level. He was just all around excited to talk with you on a more intimate level. "Oh my god, (Y/N)," He stood up and hugged you. "I'm happy you're comfortable around me. You have a beautiful laugh."

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