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Words: 1185
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Peter Parker, May Parker. but everyone is mentioned.
Warnings: none, I think.
Chapter Summary: Peter's going to do it. Maybe. Peter and (Y/N) have a picnic.
Author's Note: SO MUCH HAPPENS IN THIS PART OMg also this would have been the last part if i didn't want an even number so thank that for no cliffhanger.


March 28, 2018. Middle of Spring Break.

Peter was beyond freaking out. May had to tell him to stop pacing because it was making her nervous, which only made Peter more nervous. He had been thinking about it all week, and tried to talk to you after school on Friday.

But like the last three times, he freaked out and ran home. Now, Peter was determined to do it. He had been talking to Ned and Flash for days about what to say to you, and he finally had it down. He was going to ask you out.

As soon as he picked up his phone, it buzzed with a message from you.

Stark 2: Want to have a rooftop picnic tomorrow at noon? It would be just us.

Peter fell on his bed and groaned so loud May thought he was hurt. He only showed her his phone and sighed. "I don't know if this makes it worse or better."

"How would it be worse?"

"Because technically she didn't ask me out. She just asked me to join her for a picnic. So then I have to ask her to her face about going on a date," Peter covered his eyes.

May nodded once she understood. "Probably better. People like it more when it's face-to-face," She advised. "Don't forget to reply!" May added before she walked out.

Parker Peter: I would love to.

Parker Peter: But only if you bring the good cheese.

Stark 2: It wouldn't be a good picnic without it!


Peter walked into Stark Tower with a beating heart. He brought cookies for the picnic, but had no idea of what you actually had for the picnic. He was determined that today would be the day that he finally asked you out, and was already preparing himself for the worst.

Happy answered the door and led Peter to the stairs to the roof, you already being ready with the blanket, basket, and speaker set up. You were prepared with both of your favorite music and food sitting in the basket. "Hi, (Y/N)!" Peter smiled wide. "I brought the cookies."

You clapped to show your enthusiasm and patted the blanket for him to sit down next to you. You started to hand him food and pressed play on your playlist, having music surround the rooftop and good food being passed back and forth. Peter's nerves calmed down as he remembered he was here with you, one of his best friends. He had no reason to be scared, and once he got that through his head, he was feeling a lot better.

"This is a good mixture of food, (Y/N)," Peter complimented and took another bite of a sandwich. "What made you want to have a picnic?"

You shrugged and gestured to the food. "Right, food is good," He interpreted.

As the music played on and the two of you admired New York with the music surrounding you, he knew he would have to speak soon. If he didn't tell you while you two were alone, having a picnic together, and loving every second of this, he would regret it his entire life.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Peter caught your attention, and you looked over at him. He took a deep breath before speaking again, and finally decided there was no going back. "I just want you to know that I am so happy that you came to Midtown this year. Really, I don't know what I would do without you. I am so happy we became friends and got this close," He continued.

"You changed so much in my life these past few months. You made Flash and I become friends- I never thought that would have been possible!" He laughed, and you let out an airy laugh as well. "Well, I guess I just want you to know how thankful I am for you. I was...wondering, do you want to go see a movie? Like...a real...date?" Peter questioned. Your eyes widened at the question, mostly because you weren't expecting it, but also because you couldn't believe he actually did it. "I mean, this could be our date. But technically, it wasn't specified so I guess we should go on a date to call it a date," Peter began to ramble, and you put your hand on him to get him to stop.

He hit his forehead to remind himself how awkward he is. "Oh my god, that was so awkward. I'm so sorry you had to listen to me say that. I just...really like you and I get if you just want to be friends, I won't take any offense. I don't care about the "soulmate" thing, whether we are or not doesn't matter to me. I really think you're special and I'm kind of falling in love with you too? I might be in love!" Peter shouted, then quickly covered his mouth and stood up with a shocked look on his face.

"Oh, no," He sighed. "That made it worse. I'll just...go," He said and started for the door to let him leave. Before he could take even two steps, you grabbed his hand to stop him. Peter looked at you with tears welling in his eyes, probably with embarrassment and being overwhelmed with emotions.

You smiled lightly, your heart fluttering at everything he just said to you. "Peter, you dork!" You laughed. "I'm kind of falling in love with you, too."

Peter stared at you after you spoke, not a word coming out of his mouth. You took a moment to reflect: you really were falling in love with Peter, you didn't even know it. You were more-so scared to talk to him because of the way you two met, but that never stopped you from becoming friends. After getting to know him more, and going through so much together, you grew a closer and deeper friendship, developing feelings you didn't think you were capable of having.

Peter dropped your hand and pulled up his shirt, showing his hip bone just enough to see the words tattooed on his body.

Peter, you dork! I'm kind of falling in love with you, too.

He sat down in front of you, the tears changing from embarrassment to happiness. "You have a beautiful voice, (Y/N)," He said, pulling you into a tight hug.

"You know Cindy is going to make so much fun of us, right?" You whispered into his ear.

"Not just Cindy. Flash, Ned, and even your dad, too!" Peter laughed, pulling away from you, his smile not fading.

And it was true. The last day of Spring Break your group of five met at your house before heading to the mall. When they heard you speak to Peter and announce your discovery, Cindy screamed so loud Tony thought someone died, and Flash started yelling that he called it. Ned just stared at you two in awe for two reasons, because you talked to him as well. But overall, everyone was excited for you.

This was just the beginning of a new chapter.


Your favorites will return in the Epilogue.

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