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  Words: 1578
Pairing: Father!Stark x stark!mute!Reader x avengers. Female reader.
Featured in this part: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Flash Thompson, Cindy Moon, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts
Warnings: very sad. (Y/N) cries and talks about her past.
Chapter Summary: In a group chat on the night of Christmas, the squad shares memories. (Y/N)'s memories lead into learning a lot about her, and the squad doesn't know what to do. Cindy also talks about her one of a kind experience.
Author's Note: Also a very important part. Learn about Pep.


December 25, 2017. 8:00 PM.

A group chat between Stark 2, Parker Peter, DJ Flash, Cin, Neddd.

Stark 2 named the chat The Best Gang

Stark 2: Flash, you know, I think we all appreciate the effort that you're being kind to Peter and Ned. I'm very proud.

DJ Flash: It's only when you're around.

Parker Peter: well, (Y/N), you should stick around more. He's nicer.

Neddd: I second it.

Cin: GUYS I was talking to my family about memories of when I was little, so little Albert doesn't remember, or wasn't even alive. And this proves (Y/N)'s thoughts: I am as crazy as a monkey. I remember when my parents took me to the zoo and I had a conversation with a monkey through the glass and I was convinced I was the queen of the monkeys. I was the best queen.

Stark 2: called it.

DJ Flash: One time we went bowling, and I was so mad that I had a gutter ball that I threw my ball onto the couch and it broke.

Neddd: You broke the couch?

DJ Flash: and the bowling ball. It broke right in two.

Stark 2: Are we saying memories now?

Cin: Why not? I love talking about our childhood, you don't even know!

Parker Peter: May, Ben, and I would go to this science museum when I was a kid, and I would act like I was the scientist discovering things. Ben and May would present me with awards when we got home, and it was a whole show, it was so much fun.

DJ Flash: Dork.

Neddd: Oh, he knows.

Neddd: Once we went to a park and a squirrel attacked me. Full on jumped all over me, fighting me. My mom had to pry it off of me.

Neddd: Good times.

Stark 2: A long time ago, before my dad was Iron Man, he worked a lot more than he does now, My mom took me on "girls days" a lot and one time we both got our hair dyed. Dad screamed when we got back because my hair was pink and mom had pink ombre.

Parker Peter: That sounds like fun, (Y/N)!

Stark 2: I miss her so much.

Cin: And we may not have known her, but from everything we saw and everything we hear from you, she seemed amazing.

Stark 2: She was.

Stark 2: Wait. You guys don't know what actually happened, do you?

Cin: Nope.

Neddd: No it was mostly kept under wraps from what I remember.

Parker Peter: Just that the news and your dad told us she passed.

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