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Dear Satan,

Long time no talk. I forgot what you wrote in your last letter hehe... I'm sooo sorry for the late reply, I've been super busy with school and my friends.

Today is my 12th birthday!!! I cant't wait to grow up but at the same time I'm kinda scared of growing up. I don't EVER want to be boring like Mummy or Daddy. I got a phone and a baby bunny. I don't know what to name my bunny, any ideas?!?!?!

I'm writing to you this time because I suspect my boyfriend Tommy thinks that Kelly is pretty. We went to get ice cream after class then I caught him staring at Kelly for like a really long time. Kelly is super pretty I guess but I only want Tommy to like me. I think I love him and I can't wait to marry him. He told me he would marry me too!!!!!

What about you??? How are you?



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