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Hi Satan,

Your saying we can exchange numerous letters if I write back to you on the same date? THAT'S INSANE IT WOULD BE LIKE FACEBOOK CHAT. 😀 BTW do u have Facebook?

Omg u had a crush on Helen of Troy. Tell me more pleaseeeee!!! I saw her story in the Greek Mythology book but it was kinda long so I didn't read.

I am NOT jealous of KELLY!!! She's pretty and she has really nice hair but she has pimples on her forehead. Ewww. What's a religious organization and why would I want to start one???

You know what I want? I want MORE FACEBOOK FRIENDS.

Love always, Ophelia

P.S. how do you look like? I have brown hair, light brown eyes and freckles. Oh I have braces too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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