Chapter 24: Envious Contrast

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Freddy followed the killer couple down into what looked like a dirt tunnel underneath the main cabin and kept Sidney close behind him.

How long do you think we'll be stuck here? She asked as he took her by the hand and the smell of rotted wood and damp earth filled her senses.

I don't fucking know! He shot back at her as they passed piles of what looked like belongings from past victims. Jason sped up in front of them taking his woman friend with him and picked her up effortlessly in one arm. A few silent gestures were made between them and she made a few clicking noises and gestures pointing up and to his machete and back to the two of them making Freddy stop in his tracks causing Sidney to run into him as he watched them closely. The silent woman placed a kiss on the brute's mask before he set her back on her feet and handed her what looked like a notepad and pen from a nearby pile of loot and motioned back to them before staring Freddy down for a moment and taking off down another tunnel.

The woman motioned for them to join her in the large clearing. It was a large carved out room lined with many weapons and opened into several other tunnels. A large workbench was against one of the walls and what looked like a sharpening wheel on another and in another dug out portion there was what could have been mistaken for a bed if there weren't chains mounted beside it, but it did look like it was used recently covered in several blankets and pillows. Freddy shook the idea of what they used that mattress for from his head finding it hard to do so with Sidney thinking the same thing. The mute woman motioned for them to sit on the bench as she quickly wrote in the notebook. They obeyed and Freddy started to look around at all of the weapons in the room as Sidney watched the silent girl finally remove her hood and scarf that she was hiding behind.

Not only did she have a scar across her neck but one on her face trailing from beneath her left eye to the bridge of her nose and her hair looked as if she had cut it herself, brown and messy stopping just after her ears. Sidney had so many questions but kept quiet as she watched her write as quickly as she could in her notebook. She saw Freddy about to open his mouth and she put her hand over his lips stopping him.

What? The demon asked as she stared into him.

Before you say anything make sure it won't get either of us stabbed. She pleaded staring into him with an eyebrow raised. He let out an audible groan before removing her hand.

You're no fun.

Sidney was handed the notebook and she read it.

'I'm Lisa. I've lived here with Jason for almost 7 years now. He is...' She could feel Freddy attempting to read over her shoulder.

"Just read my mind dammit." She insisted.

"Fine..." He growled causing Lisa to tilt her head curiously at them as she grabbed another notebook and started writing in it.

'He is my everything. I guess he is my husband and I'm his wife. But enough about us. Please just be patient and wait for the next round of campers to come by. You can take one of their vehicles. I'll leave one intact for you. But until then please just do as we ask and stay in our territory. If anything happens to any of the locals the Sheriff will come and they will stop cooperating with us and will no longer look the other way when campers and other idiots go missing. It should take only a few days for more to show up. It is summer time which means we'll be pretty busy.'

"So you two..." Freddy gestured to the bed and Lisa instantly picked up a knife wielding it threateningly.

"Freddy do you want to get stabbed some more? Because I sure as hell don't." Sidney spat at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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