Chapter 6: You Thought Wrong

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"I know you're upset but that's just insane." Gregory said with worry. "Why don't we just take some Hypnocil and get sleep that way?"

"Gregory please, aren't you sick of this? We finally have a way to be together and you don't want to fight for it?" Sidney asked.

"I do, I just don't want you to be in danger." He admitted.

"How can I be in danger if according to my parent's I'm already dead?" Sidney snapped then let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I know I'm being stupid. I'm just upset. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Everyone I used to know thinks I killed myself and my parents have obviously moved on and have a new kid. I don't know what else to do. I don't know where I fit. I always thought I'd find a way to get out of here and back to my parents. But they obviously don't want me anymore..." She explained as a tear streamed down her face. Gregory wiped it away.

"We'll figure something out. Until then please don't do anything crazy. I can only do so much to stop you if you do." He said.

"I know. I don't want to see Freddy again anytime soon. But I also don't want to take Hypnocil again either." She admitted.

"Then we'll stay awake for now." Gregory suggested and she nodded.

After having a snack she sat at her laptop with hesitation as she contemplated looking further into her parent's profiles. Once she finally got up to courage to go to Facebook she soon realized that she needed her own profile to look at other people's profiles. Still not entirely used to working the internet or the computer it took awhile but she finally made herself a profile and used a picture of herself from her mom's profile as her picture. After that she found Brent and Darrien and added them before deciding to go through her parents profiles.

She learned that her little sister Chloe was four years old. Apparently they decided to tell everyone that she had killed herself a little after Chloe was born. After having enough pain of looking at their profiles she began to look up people she could remember from school only to find that most either had no lives, were totally fake, or were married with kids already. She began to wonder where she'd be in life if she had never been committed, and realized that she couldn't even fathom a life that didn't involve Gregory. He was such a huge part of her life now that she couldn't imagine what life would be like without him.

"Maybe we could read a little? It's been awhile and only two chapters left of Phantom of the Opera." Gregory suggested interrupting her thoughts.

"Yeah, it'll help take my mind off of all this shit." Sidney said motioning to her laptop then closed the screen and went and sat in bed with her book. Gregory sat beside her and she began to read. She was starting to feel sleepy the first few pages in but reading out loud was helping to keep her awake.

"The Persian had seen poor, unfortunate Erik for the last time. Three weeks later, the Epoque published this advertisement, Erik is dead." She said and closed the book wiping a tear from her eye. Gregory smiled at her.

"You always cry at the end. I think it's sweet." He admitted and lightly kissed her on the cheek and fell on top of her making Sidney laugh as he bonked his forehead on hers. They both realized what had happened and sat up in bed quickly. As they did the room shifted into Freddy's house and they jumped to their feet off the dusty old bed.

"Shit! How long have we been asleep?" Sidney said with alarm.

"Only about ten minutes." Freddy rasped entering the room. "You both looked so into your little book I thought I'd be nice and let you finish. After all you'll both never see each other again after tonight." He laughed and Gregory stood in front of Sidney protectively as she attempted to wake up.

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