Chapter 23: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

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Freddy returned to his human form as Sidney parked the car at what looked like used to be the entrance to the camp. She had stopped halfway there changing in the car into something more comfortable. She now wore her green bikini underneath a red tank top and a pair of black capris. There was nothing but old rotted wood planks littering the ground covered in brush and a rather ragged sign resting on a rock to reveal what it was as if someone had put it there purposely. 'Camp Crystal Lake' it said with a no trespassing sign lying beside it covered in mud. It was obvious that someone or something had ripped it out of the ground.

"This place is already creeping me out." She admitted poking the bent up no trespassing sign with her foot.

"Oh come on, this'll be fun. At least it's not raining today." The disguised demon chuckled as he noticed the fresh tire tracks leading into the camp that went in the direction of the lake. "Looks like some idiots are already here."

"Great..." She rolled her eyes and he grabbed her by the hand dragging the reluctant girl behind him. Walking past the first few cabins they could see a truck parked near the wooden dock by the lake. There were five kids swimming. Three boys two girls, they all looked to be Sidney's age. One of the boys spotted them and waved his arms at them.

"Hey you want to join us?!" He yelled.

"This is just too easy." Freddy chuckled and waved back as they walked toward them. Sidney looked to him realizing what he had meant and stopped in her tracks. I'm not going to kill them... He reassured her reading her mind. Well... not right away. The demon chuckled tightening his grip on her hand as he pulled her along. The girls were staring at them making unheard comments to the others.

Sidney reluctantly followed him onto the rickety old dock that floated on the edge of the lake. One of the boys got out of the water to greet them. He ran his hand through his short red hair revealing his freckle covered face. She waved at him awkwardly and Freddy still refused to release her hand as he stood between her and the ginger boy.

"Are you... like... her dad?" The idiot boy asked looking him up and down in confusion. The enraged demon instantly released Sidney's hand and she quickly took a step back knowing that there was going to be no stopping him as his glove appeared on his hand out of the boy's view.

"No..." He growled as he suddenly became younger and his sweater turned into a red and green striped tank top. "I'm her boyfriend!" His blades pierced the boy's chest and he kicked him into the lake. The two girls screamed in horror as he claimed the ginger boy's soul. They were quickly silenced as Freddy held out his hands and they were all pulled under by an unseen force. Once they were all completely underwater he turned to Sidney who was watching him wide eyed.

"Was that really necessary?" She blinked away the horror on her face and looked him up and down noticing how he had changed himself to look like he was her age. "Why did you change yourself?"

"Don't you like it?" He smirked and grabbed her by the face with one hand kissing her hard on the lips.

"I'm not sure..." She admitted looking him over again. He was still rather handsome but it was a bit strange seeing him like that. "You said you're my boyfriend?" She asked in confusion. Instead of answering he shoved her into the lake as both of the girl's souls flew into him. She let out a yelp as she resurfaced near the ginger boy's lifeless body and shoved it away from her.

"You fucking asshole!" She screamed and quickly grabbed onto the dock pulling herself out of the lake. "Great now my shoes are going to be all sloshy." The wet girl whined as the demon claimed the last two souls.

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