Chapter 17: Unraveling

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After quickly scanning through the book it looked as though who ever got ahold of it after her erased all her notes she wrote in it when she had it making her wish she had used pen instead. Groaning loudly she shut the book and turned her computer on.

We're going to have to translate this damn thing aren't we? Freddy growled.

Yes, it's going to take a little while but we have the book now. There is no way we can't fix this. Sidney said confidently.

Are you kidding me? How in the fuck are we supposed to pull off a ritual like that while we're still stuck in this hell without them noticing?

We'll figure something out. Now shut up and let me work on this. She demanded and he grew quiet.

He left her knowing it would be better if he was out killing to attempt and make it seem like he was up to his normal killing habits. His chest hurt the second he left her. The link continued to get worse every time he was away from her awake or asleep. It was difficult to not attempt to pull her to sleep. He had barely killed anyone lately and was sure Delvin was going to notice again. Before all of this he never realized how much they kept track of how many he killed.

Doing his best to ignore the splitting pain in his head and ache he felt from being away from her didn't make it any easier to block out Sidney's thoughts from ringing loudly in his ears. He wanted to go back to her and end the pain but he didn't want her to know how bad it had really become for him to be away from her. He couldn't stand her pitying him anymore than she already did. Entering the first dream he sensed he sat in the corner practically holding himself together, as he watched a young boy, maybe ten, play hot lava on the playground with his crush.

Freddy turned the sand into real lava and had the girl he was playing with fall in and melt away causing him to scream. She emerged from the ground again as a lava monster and started to chase him making him scream in terror. The lava monster grabbed him by the arm burning him and he let him wake up and quickly jumped to the next dream. This time it was a fourteen year old girl. One he hadn't seen in a while since she started taking Hypnocil and he didn't even bother toying with her and appeared right in front of her making her let out a blood curdling scream. Slicing her throat her screams ceased and her soul floated into him doing nothing to weaken the pain he was in. Holding his head in his hands trying with all he had to block out Sidney's deafening thoughts to no avail and jumped to the next dream to kill again.

Sidney was shocked that he was still gone from her when she realized that almost two hours had gone by. She had translated most of the spell she had used and there was a knock on her door. She instantly closed the book leaving her notes inside of it.

"Hold on a sec." She called and closed out of the windows on her computer screen and shoved the book under her mattress and thought quickly using her water bottle and rubbed her eyes real hard to make them red like she was crying and removed her chair from the door. Opening it Niki stood in the doorway with tears streaming down her face. Sidney hugged her tight making her sob into her shoulder.

"She was our only hope." Niki sobbed. "Now we're stuck here forever." Sidney released her and Darrien came up behind Niki putting a hand on her shoulder. She released her and leaned into him.

"I'm sorry Sid. We hoped she wouldn't do anything rash..." He said sadly wrapping an arm around Niki and they made their way to the kitchen. Beth came up behind Sidney and tugged on the back of her shirt. Turning to face her Sidney saw she also had been crying and was hugging a large stuffed dog and she smiled weakly up at her.

"Debois brought us all Krispy Kreme." She said with a sniffle and Sidney followed her into the kitchen.

Great now we have to deal with everyone crying all day. Freddy whined as he joined her glad to escape the pain of being away from her.

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