Chapter 15: Terrifyingly Good Information

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Freddy concentrated as hard as he could to stay calm so he could get back to his world if things went wrong. Sidney held her breath as she walked into the kitchen. Everyone sat at the table together as Niki and Kenda made pancakes and bacon. They all turned to her and smiled weakly.

"Morning Sid." Brent said pulling a chair out for her and she took it finally taking in a breath. Looking around the table she noticed Darrien had dark circles under his eyes making her remember that he was the one that found Anthony.

At least they don't notice I'm here. If they knew... Freddy warned in her mind.

I know. Just be glad you can get a break from the link this way. She grumbled not wanting to think about it.

"So Kenda told me you two sort of figured out what kind of spell you used when you accidentally released Gregory. Too bad you couldn't find the actual ritual." Darrien said breaking the odd silence and stares of pity he was getting from everyone else.

"Yeah, it was some sort of binding spell. Too bad though, we could use something like that against that Freddy fucker." Kenda added and Sidney could feel Freddy cringe.

Fuck if we ever find that fucking book through your memories and get a hold of it we're burning it after we reverse this. He insisted.

You think I haven't thought of that already? Relax, they have no idea you're here or that we're involved in any way. She attempted to reassure him.

"You must be really strong to be able to pull something like that off. I wonder if there is any similar rituals we could find to try on him." Darrien said with hope.

"I hope so. After what happened last night we really need to do something and soon. I still wonder what Anthony did to piss him off that bad." Niki pondered.

"Me and Brent still think it was Freddy just trying to scare us even more." Kenda added.

"Do you all have to talk about this while we're trying to eat breakfast?" Beth begged making Sidney glad she wasn't the only one.

"Why not? It's obvious that he's up to something lately and the sooner we act the better." Darrien explained eating a piece of sausage.

How in the fuck do you just sit here and listen to this shit from them every day? Freddy groaned.

"I'm sorry but I'm with Beth, this is getting ridiculous. I want out of here as much as the rest of you but living and breathing coming up with ways to hurt or get rid of him isn't a way to live." Sidney attempted to reason with them. Usually leaving the room or tuning them out works just fine for me.

"How can we live our lives with him constantly breathing down our necks? Something needs to be done. He took Gregory from you don't you want to fight back?" Niki said striking a nerve.

Oh I'll do more to their necks than that once I get my hands on them. Freddy growled.

"No I don't. Because getting rid of Freddy won't get him back and so what it'll get me out of here. It's not like I have a family that's waiting for me outside of here. I have nothing to look forward to once I'm out of here." She growled at Niki a tear leaving her eye as she stormed out of the kitchen and locked herself in her room. Throwing herself onto her bed she screamed as loud and as hard as she could into her pillow.

"Fuck we need to find that book and fast before they start looking for it. We're both dead if they find it." Sidney cried.

Relax. They don't have a fucking clue. Even if they did get the book they wouldn't be able to do the ritual. They'd find a way to get you to do it for them. He attempted reassure her.

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