Maybe I Love Him...

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The loud bell rings across the school, and I lift up my head. I had cried in the dirty bathroom for a whole period, and it was lunch now. I open the stall and look into the dirty mirror. My face was red, and it looked as if the tears had stained my face.

I hear the bathroom door being pushed open, and look to see two girls walk in. I knew them, they were the queens of the grade, I mean every school had them, didn't they? The main girl was Stephanie, she had long bleach blonde hair, and I had never seen her once without make up plastered all over her face.

Stephanie took every chance she had to embarrass someone, she seemed to enjoy it. I didn't know why, did she like being the reason kids were miserable? 2 years ago, she was the main reason Julia had almost transferred schools.

Julia had always been a person who seemed to be hyper and happy all the time, and Stephanie seemed to think it would be fun taking advantage of that. She teased Julia everyday, and each stunt she pulled became worse and worse every time. Julia almost left the school but her parents talked to the principal about Stephanie and it got better eventually.

Basically, Stephanie was that person you wanted to like you, the one who caused you to fix your hair, posture, attitude, and personality whenever she approached you.

Then there was Nicole, Stephanie's minion. She followed Stephanie around like a lost puppy, and did everything she instructed. When Stephanie came into her life, she changed everything about herself. She went from smartest kid in the class to average, just to keep Stephanie from calling her a nerd. She stopped wearing the shorts and t shirts and her chestnut hair in a tight pony tail. It was now a nice outfit everyday and straightened hair.

At a time Nicole was my best friend, but now, she wasn't the sweet person I remembered. She was just another snobby jerk now.

That's why I was nervous when the two girls came in to find me looking a disaster. Stephanie examined me from head to toe, and placed a hand above her mouth, pretending to hold in a laugh. She then walks around me as if I was disgusting mold. Nicole shoots me a quick worried look, but quickly copies Stephanie's actions, walking around me and pulling out her make up bag.

Stephanie glances at me in disgust, and I turn around. I could feel tears once again. It wasn't because of them, it was because of Kayden. I never wanted to hurt him, ever. I wasn't cheating, I mean looking at us, I guess me and Brandon looked like a couple. We definitely had acted like one...did I like Brandon? No of course not, Kayden was the one I liked. But I knew I was lying to myself, I liked Brandon. When we touch, I feel sparks, and he was so adorable. I like that he seems like a bad boy, but is sweet under neath. I like that he cares for me, I like how he wasn't afraid to be him self.

No, I need to stop. I loved Kayden, and I would do anything for him. Yet I felt so much confusion. How could I face either of them? Brandon probably thinks I hate him, and I know Kayden hates me. The thought caused me to burst out crying, my eyes burn with tears, and I knew that I couldn't stop them.

Stephanie and Nicole were probably confused, I haven't felt this embarrassed in a long time. I grab my bag and storm out of the bathroom, not stopping for anything or anyone. I wasn't going to wait for one of Stephanie's rude comments. I keep my head down, the tears coming harder. I wipe them away as I enter the lunch room, and I felt cold unwelcoming stares, but I kept my head down and sit at my usual table.

I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder, and I look up to see Brandon. His emerald eyes were full of concern and worry, and he takes my hand, pulling me up. "Come with me." He whispers, and guides me out of the cafeteria.

Once we are out in the hallway, I lift up my head. "I could tell you didn't want people seeing you, especially when you're just really upset." He says, showing a slight grin. I love how he cares about me even if I hurt him.

Stop Taylor, you don't love him, you love Kayden.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me. I don't think I could have survived the last five minutes of lunch." I say laughing, and he quickly joins in with my laughter.

Stop Taylor, you don't love him, you love Kayden.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier..." He says shyly, looking down, his hair falling in his face.

Stop Taylor, you don't love him, you love Kayden.

"No, it wasn't your fault. It was nice actually, until ya know, the drama." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder.

Stop Taylor, you don't love him, you love Kayden.

He smiles, flipping his hair out of his face. "Class is starting soon, but hey, meet me after school out front." He says, and he then plants a gentle kiss on my cheek. Soon enough, he is out of sight.

Stop Taylor, you don't love him, you love Kayden.

I walk off to my next class, with a wide smile on my face. "Hey, why so happy?" Megan questions, with a confused look.

Ok, maybe I do love Brandon...


Hey guys, hope the story is good. I don't know if you hate me for this chapter, but just wait and see what happens ;-) Sorry I haven't been updating as much, just I have been busy with school and friends, but I'll try to update more often. And could you guys do me a favor and read my friends story "Love Changes You" by elise_rachael. It's a Niall Horan fan fiction, and I definitely recommend it! Thanks guys, keep reading! :-)❤️

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