The Hospital

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"Ow." I mutter, as I slowly adjust my eyes to the light. I felt a sharp pain run through my body, and I fall back into the soft pillow. "Taylor? Are you awake?" I hear from my mother in the other side of the room.

"Yeah... I-I'm fine, but I'm feeling a lot of pain." I tell her, she walks over and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Mom, why am I in bed?" I question, outside it looked like it was later in the day. I then look down at my outfit. It was the outfit I took from Kayden.


"What happened mom? What time is it?" I say, the panic rising in my voice.

She runs her fingers through my hair, and I begin to calm once again.

"Your friend Kayden is in the hospital, he will be ok. But that Mark boy, oh he's behind bars. Kayden told us what he did... honey I'm sorry." My mom explains, as she wraps her arms around me.

"The police found you in a car hiding, you were crying and you were taken to the hospital, just to be sure you were ok. You were, and your father and I were overjoyed." My mom explains, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom, I'm fine. It's all good." I say, hugging her tight.

After my mom left my room, I began to panic. I needed to go see Kayden, I needed to see what conditions he was in. He didn't deserve me as a girlfriend if he had to go through all this pain. I sit up, but the pain comes back. "Owww." I say, gripping my sides, and I lay back down.

I couldn't just lay here, I knew that. I push myself off the bed, the pain worse than before, it felt like a flame was going through my body. I continue sitting up, the pain becomes even worse every second, but I know if I lay back down, I won't get up again. After ten minutes of crying, the horrible pain that once existed had completely vanished.

Breathing heavily, I look at the clock.

3:00 PM.

I push myself off the bed, feeling dizzy. As I regain my balance I make my way to the shower. My hair was actually looking great, considering I had not brushed it since sometime early yesterday. I turn the knob to hot, and the shower water slowly starts to run. In about 5 minutes, the water is the perfect temperature. See, I've always liked hot showers, I could never take a cold one.

I slowly comb through my hair, until finally I had finished the last group of the curls. After 20 minutes, I grab the knob and turn the shower off. Picking up my towel, I wrap it around my body, and put another around my head.

I walk into my room and over to the dresser, pulling out a long sleeved striped, navy blue and white shirt and my favorite denim jeans. I place them on my bed and walk back into the small bathroom. I walk over to the sink and look in the mirror. I had forgotten to remove my make up, so I looked like a racoon. I wash my face and brush through my hair with a comb once again. When I finally control my curls, I quickly throw on my outfit and walk down stairs.

"Hey mom." I say, and I remember how much tension there had been between us. I couldn't tell if it was still there.

"Hey hun." She says, acting as if she hasn't been ignoring me for the past few days.

"I'm heading out, I promise I'll be quick, bye." I say, and run out the door. I didn't feel ready to say 'I love you' yet. Maybe soon? But not yet.

I quickly call Megan to see if her mom could take me to the hospital to see Kayden or something. It was perfect because they were heading in that direction, and in the matter of 10 minutes they pulled up to my house.

"Megan, I have so much to tell you. Come over tomorrow!" I say with excitment, as Megans mom pulls away from the house.

"Pleaseeee." I ask Megans mom. Honestly, Megan's house was my second home, and her family was my second family.

"Alright alright, Megan you have to clean the house." Her mom says, smirking. Megan rolls her eyes and sinks down in her seat. "You're lucky you're my best friend." She mutters, and I let out a loud laugh.

As they pull up to the hospital. I check my hair. "How do I look?" I ask Megan, examining my outfit, forgetting for a second that I was just going into a hospital, not a date.

"You look amazing, now go!" She says, pushing me out of the car. I smile and open the door. "Thanks for the ride!" I shout, and walk in. I walk into a quiet room filled with people of different ages sitting there staring at me. After a few seconds, they look back down to what they had been doing, and I walk over to the registration desk slowly and awkwardly.

"Hello." Says the employee, barely looking over at me while typing an email to someone. "Hi, I would like to see Kayden, Kayden Stephenson. He was checked in last night, and I want to see him. I was here too, but left earlier." I say, while twirling my hair around my finger.

"And who are you exactly?" She questions, with a clearly annoyed tone.

I give her all the information she needs, until finally she gets up to go speak to a nurse about me seeing him. I take a seat next to an older lady, who was staring at the door where nurses/doctors come in and out to grab patients, and her expression was sad. A tear escapes her eye, and she quickly looks the opposite direction. I feel so bad, even though I didn't know the lady or her situation. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be ok." I whisper to her, and she smiles as a tear streams down her face. A nurse walks through the door, and the elderly lady looks down, as if not wanting to make eye contact. "Taylor." She says, her eyes scanning the room. I stand up and follow the nurse into the hallway.

I couldn't stop thinking about the lady, what had happened? My thoughts were interrupted when we reached a room. "Kayden is right in there. He should be out soon, but we are keeping an eye on him, we want to be sure everything is alright, so we are just running a few more tests, but he should be fine." The nurse states, smiling. I nod and slowly open the door. I enter the room finding Kayden, sitting on a little hospital bed. He glances up to me, and a large smile appears on his face.

"Taylor, you're... you're ok." He says, as he attempts to get up.

"No, Kayden, don't move. You need to stay in bed and just wait until you get better." I say, and I help him settle back in. "I was so worried, did Mark harm you? When I woke up I couldn't stop thinking about you... I'm just glad you're alright." He says, looking relieved. I take a seat on the edge of the bed and we talk for a while, until a nurse comes in telling me my time is up. I sigh and push myself off the bed.. "Wait... Taylor, before you go." He says, gently taking my hand. He signals for me to come down, and kisses me. Our lips pull away, and I walk out. "I love you Kayden, see you soon." I tell him, and I walk outside of the hospital and take a seat on the curb.

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