Can't Take It

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I wake up, rubbing my eyes. I glance up to see Kayden, we had fallen asleep on the couch. I slowly push myself up, trying not to wake him.

He was so quiet, no noises came out of his mouth. I run to my phone, no texts from my mom? Usually she would be spamming me with messages asking where I was?

So what, did she just not care anymore? I feel sadness start to settle in, it wasn't like I didn't love her anymore, it was just awkward now, after ya know, the whole poisoning incident.

I hear a noise over by the couch, I turn around to see Kayden slowly wake up. He looks around as if he was confused.

"Good morning." I say, as I walk over to him.

He looks at me and seems to remember last night. He stands up and kisses my cheek, smiling.

I smile and walk into the kitchen. I rummage through the cabinets hoping to find something to eat.

Kaydens family seemed to be health freaks, the only thing breakfast related food they had was corn flakes. Oh and don't forget the granola bars. I grab a bar and begin eating it quickly. I was starving.

Kayden walks in to find me stuffing my face, I turn around, hiding myself, and hear him coming up behind me.

He grabs my waist and turns me around. We were so close, if I even moved even an inch closer, our lips would be touching.

He smiles and looks down.

"What is it?" I ask, and when he doesn't respond, I repeat the question, laughing in between my words.

He takes his hand and wipes the granola bar crumbs off my face.

Crap, I had completely forgotten to wipe my face. I blush, and it was clearly visible.

"Don't worry, it was cute." He says, and picks me up and spins me.

I laugh, "Shut up, it was embarassinggg" I tell him, smiling.

"Hey, you know, when I think about it, I haven't heard you sing by yourself before." He says, forming a grin on his face, as he sets be down on the ground. "Well maybe I don't like to sing for others, it's more of a thing I do when I'm alone." I say quietly, putting my head down. I didn't want him to make me sing, besides, it was morning, my voice sounded horrible right now.

"You don't have to be nervous around me, I won't judge, besides, I bet you you have an amazing voice." He says, wrapping his hands around my waist, pulling me close.

I lean in, as if to kiss him, but stop myself. Was this a bad time?

As if reading my mind, he gently puts his lips against mine. He pulls me closer. Neither of us were eager to pull away, I felt safe with him. The best part was that he wasn't even judging me, considering how bad I looked. My hair was a mess, and my make up was messed up.

I slowly pull away, and smile. I turn around, checking the clock. It was 8:00 AM. "Kayden, what time did I fall asleep last night?" I ask. It must've been early, I barely remember anything.

"About 6, but it's ok, you looked tired and stressed, I didn't have the heart to wake you." He says, his face full of concern.

"Are you ok? Did something happen?" He questions, slipping his hands into mine. I could tell he cared.

Kayden waits for me to speak, he doesn't rush me.

"I had a rough day." I say, attempting to hold back the tears. Thinking about what happened made me upset.

He looks so sad, I knew had to tell him. I make my way to his couch, and signal for him to sit with me. He takes a seat right next to me, and I begin to spill out everything that happened, from Mark, to the poisoning. I cry, the tears coming faster. I couldn't face school, Mark seemed to pop up every where, I hated him, and I was scared to know what he would pull next. I couldn't go home, it seemed as if my mom didn't care about me anymore. My life was falling apart.

Kayden wraps his arms around me, whispering in my ear "I promise it'll be ok." many times. When I finish my crying, I wipe away the tears. he hasn't let go, he holds me close.

"Thanks for listening, I don't know what I'm going to do when I go home..." I say sadly.

"Just call me, I'll talk to you the whole night, and I won't leave. I'll stay until you need to leave." He says, and I grin slightly resting my head on his shoulder.

Thinking that tomorrow was Sunday frightened me. I would be at home, and the next day go to school. I begin to shift nervously, I couldn't go home, I just couldn't. I wanted to go to a new school. I just can't take the pain. Everything just hit at once, and it had knocked me down.

I try to forget and tell Kayden I'm going to go up stairs to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror, I look at the mascara stains from crying on my face. Attempting to wash them away, I lean over the sink and wash my face. I look at the silver dress, what was I supposed to wear? I sigh and go into Kaydens room, maybe I can just throw on one of his t-shirts and shorts.

He had dark blue walls, and he had a wooden desk set up in the corner. His bed was placed in the middle of the room, and an acoustic guitar was leaning up against it.

I open a drawer and find a ton of shirts, and grab a plain gray one. I slip it on, even though it was big, it would work.

After 14 minutes of searching I finally some shorts that basically fit. I look ridiculous but I didn't care. I then head down stairs, and try to push the bad thoughts out of my mind...well at least for a bit.

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