Chapter Seven

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There before Harry was the girl he couldn't stop thinking about all these years. The one that got away.

"Surprised to see me?"

"Harry, I-I don't know what to say," Evie said with her eyes.

"Well, I'm not. I planned this all out and just like always your nieve and foolish."

"You tricked into coming here? Is my mother even sick?"

"No, she's dead. I killed her. "

Evie let out a gasp and looked down at the ground. Everything seemed to be too much and she felt light headed. She felt her eyes roll back into her and felt her lifeless body falling to the floor.


As Harry watched the love of his life hit the floor, he felt himself freeze. His legs wouldn't move and he couldn't say a word. It felt like he was just as helpless as the day she felt him.

Smee opened the door abruptly and saw Evie laying on the ground unconscious. He then looked at Harry. It was almost like Smee's presence unfroze him, and Harry ran towards Evie on the floor. He took off this jacket and placed it under her head as a makeshift pillow. Then he used his hat as a fan to try and wake her.

After a few moments, Evie's eyes fluttered open but the light irritated them and she let out a painful moan. Harry picked her up bridal style and carried her to his bedroom. He gently set her on the bed and turned off all the lights.

"Harry?" Evie questioned in a meek voice.

"Shh, it's okay. Shut your eyes."

Harry went over to his wash basin and grabbed a cloth. He dipped it into the cold water. Ringing it out, he brought it over to Evie and placed it gently on her head. She let out a scared whimper before he placed a soothing hand on the side of her face, feeling the sparks once again after all those years.

"Get some rest, Evie."

Harry got up from the bed and looked down upon Evie. He let out a sigh and went to leave the room.

"Please don't leave me," she said in a small voice.

Harry stopped in his tracks and turned slightly around. There she was sitting up at him. She began to get up and meet him before she almost fell again. However, this time Harry caught her. They stayed in that position before he laid her back down on the bed. He pulled over a chair and sat down next to her. Once again Evie closed her eyes and within moments fell asleep.

As Harry watched her sleep he felt a sense of calm and hatred boil deep inside him.

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