Chapter Fifteen

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As Evie showed her husband and son around the Isle, there was a mix of emotions. Harry was beyond excited at every little thing Evie showed him. Ben, on the other hand, looked less than impressed.

"We can go back if you want?"

"No, it's okay. It just makes me sad that you once lived like this."

"Well, I was lucky. People here have a rough life and my friend, Harry, has really provided a good place for these people to live. I think you guys will like each other when you meet."

"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine," Ben said smiling before pulling Evie in for a small kiss.

Evie smiled slightly but something felt wrong. The only person she should be kissing on the Isle is Harry. It seemed like everything Ben did Evie was silently comparing to Harry. She didn't like being so judgemental, but she could not help it.

"Mommy, what's that?"

"That is Ursula's chip shop. It's supposed to be the best place to eat, but personally, I've always hated it."

"That's like the Jax and Gus's place back home," Harry burst out into a precious little laugh, causing Evie to pick him up and give a little kiss on his cheek. She continued to carry him as she pointed more spots on the Isle.

"Harry, I need you to promise to be on your best behavior when you meet my friend. He is very cool and so are you, so there should be no problem with you two getting along."

"Of course," Harry said smiling at his mother.

They were close to the cove and Evie could see Harry standing by the water. His back was to them so all she could see is his red coat, hat, and his hook.

"That's him," Evie said pointing to the pirate. Harry let out a small 'awe' as he looked at a real-life pirate.

"Harry!" Evie called to him and he turned around with a handsome smile on his face.

Evie set her son down on the ground and he held onto her hand tightly. With the other arm, she gave Harry a small half hug whispering 'be good' into his ear.

"Harry this is my husband, King Ben, and our son Benjamin but we call him Harry."

A confused look crossed over Harry's face hearing what they call their son, but as quickly as it came it was gone.

"Hello I'm Captain Harry Hook," He said shaking Ben hand firmly.

"Hello, Captain Hook, I'm King Ben very nice to meet you," He said shaking his hand firmly back. There was a lot of tension between the two.

"And this my son," Evie could feel tears come to her eyes as she introduced her son to his father for the first time, but she blinked them back not wanting anyone to see them.

Harry bent down to face the little boy and held out his hand. The little boy reached out and shook back, a big grin on his face.

"Hello, Captain Hook, my name is Harry. I was named after you."

"Well, if you're named after me than you can call me Harry. It is very nice to meet you. You have your mother's eyes."

"Thank you, I get that a lot."

"How old are you?"

"I am three years old going to be four soon," Harry said proudly.

"Wow I thought you were at least 12," Harry said jokingly looking up at Evie with a grin on his face.

"Harry, want to go down by the water? If that's okay with your parents," He stood back up to look at Ben.

"Um, yeah that should be fine."

"I'll go with you," Evie said grabbing her son's hand and running towards the water. Harry shortly followed behind. Ben just sat down on a bench overlooking the three of them playing down by the water. He couldn't help but have an angry expression on his face. Evie turned back around and looked at her husband.

"I'll be right back," She said and ran up the sand to meet him, "What's wrong?"

"He looks a lot like Harry," Ben said coldly.

"What?" Evie said quietly, her heart rate doubling.

"Our son looks a lot like him. Keyword our son."

"You're being silly."

"Am I? No one ever says he looks like me and know we meet the older version of him. And we call our son Harry, not Ben. You had the baby two months early and he was perfectly happy."

"Ben, I can explain."

"Save it." Ben said getting up and brushing Evie off, "Son let's go. We have to go meet with someone on the Isle."

"Ben, please don't go."

"I take it he doesn't know he's your son. You need to tell him and then come home with."

"What? You still want me in your life."

"I love you and Harry. Even if he isn't my son, I still raised him and I am still his father. I'll meet you back at your house."

"Okay," Evie said with a sad face and turned to her son, "I'll see you back at my castle, have fun with Daddy."

Evie gave her son a small hug and he ran to Ben's side and grabbed onto his hand. Evie watched them walk away before turning away to meet Harry's gaze. She walked slowly to him, heart rate pounding.

"I take it he did not like me."

"Harry we need to talk..."

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