Chapter Nine

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Evie was escorted to Harry's room by Smee. He showed her around and told her where everything was.

"Oh, Miss Evie, Captain Hook forgot to mention, you two will be having dinner tonight when you get back. The meetings typically last three hours so please be ready."

"Thank you very much, Smee"

With that Smee left her all alone. Evie looked around Harry's room curious as to what she would find. He had a hammock for a bed with a few pillows, a dresser with clothes coming out of every drawer, and a huge closet. Other than the clothes spilling out the dresser, his room was relatively clean.

She went into the bathroom and took a look inside. There was a large bathtub probably big enough for two people. There were lots of good smelling soaps and surprisingly soft towels. Perhaps Evie's wellbred manner had rubbed off on the pirate.

She walked into her room and found a huge kingsized bed. Decorated all in blue with beautiful pillows and fluffy blankets. It reminded her of her room at her mother's house. In fact, the sheets were the same, the rug, the clothes, and the blankets.

"That rotten scoundrel," Evie said laughing to herself.

She took off her dress and necklace and laid them on the bed. She then went into the shower and ran the water for the tub. As she slipped into the hot water, she let herself finally relax. She washed her hair and body thoroughly before getting out. She wrapped a towel around herself and went back to her room. She rummaged through her stuff for makeup and hair products, but couldn't find anything.

"Really he forgot the stuff that mattered most."

She rolled her eyes and wrapped her hair in a towel to allow it to dry faster. She looked through her clothes until she found the perfect dress. It was a silk short dress that looked more like lingerie than an actual dress. It showed off her curves and hugged her body in all the right places.

She took her hair out of the towel and let it air dry for the rest. Her hair was always naturally curly with long blue ringlets that when brushed out looked like the perfect beach curls.

When she was finished getting ready, she stepped back and looked at herself in the mirror. She could not deny it, she looked hot despite not having any makeup on. However, she loved showing off the freckles on her nose.


After about three hours, Evie finished getting ready. Even though she didn't have all her best products or makeup, she still had to look nothing shy of perfect. Smee came to get her and bring her to the deck where she and Harry would have dinner.

Once Harry laid eyes on her, he couldn't take them off. She stood there blushing as his eyes roamed all over her body.

"Evie you look great."

"I didn't have everything I needed to look my best, but thank you!"

Harry and Evie locked eyes for a brief, but amazing moment.

"Well, um, I'm starving so let's go eat," Harry said awkwardly.

Evie gave me a slight, awkward smile.

"Where are we eating?"

"It's a surprise."

"Harry Hook I never took you for a man who likes surprises."

"When they're the good kind I do," Harry said coldly.

Evie couldn't help but feel that comment was directed at her for leaving the Isle without telling him. She stopped for a brief moment before walking fast to catch up with Harry.

After what felt like forever of walking, Harry and Evie arrived at their spot. There was a small table for two set up and a bottle of wine on the table. There were two plates with a metal lid on top to keep the food warm.

"Oh, Harry," was all Evie could get out.

"Well, I thought it was time we had dinner."

With that, Harry took Evie's hand and brought her to the table. He pulled out the chair, allowing her to sit down. Evie thanked him once again before he joined her in sitting at the table.

"Harry, before we begin eating I need to ask you, did you really kill my mother," Evie whispered the question like she didn't want to hear the answer.

"No. I made it up to make you feel hurt and betrayed like you hurt me. She died a little after you left. I think someone told me she passed away peacefully in her sleep after you were married to Ben."

"Ha, that seems just like my mother, dying right after she got everything she ever wanted."

"Yeah, I thought it was pretty ironic."

"How about your father?"

"A year after you left he died of a heart attack and left me as captain. I am now Captain Harry Hook, king of the Isle of the Lost. " Harry laughed to himself.

"It suits you."

"How about you? I hear you have a son?"

Evie's eyes grew wide. She debated whether or not to tell him about his son.

"Um, he's good. He's the love of my life. He is smart, brave, courageous, and handsome just like his father."

A look of hurt crossed over Harry's face but vanished as quickly as it came.

"That's nice to hear. I told you-you would be an excellent mother someday."

They both looked at each other and smiled. However, there was a mood of sadness in the air. Perhaps sadness for not seeing each other in a long time or the fact that Evie will have to go back soon.

The two ate dinner and reminisced about old stories. They each laughing at the end of each. It was almost as if the two hadn't been separated for so long.

"Honestly Harry this is really beautiful. Every time I thought of the Isle, I thought of you and me at our spot," Evie said smiling at Harry.

Harry just let out a gave her a small smile, but something in his eyes looked upset.

"Speaking of your betrayal, how is Auradon? Was it really like everything you dreamed it would be, Evie?" Harry said harshly.

Evie looked taken aback. One minute he was treating her like they were in love once again and the next he was making rude comments.

"Harry, I don't know how many more time I can apologize. I am sorry for leaving and not saying goodbye or explaining myself, but I had no choice."

"Ha. You had no choice? I know it was you and your evil mother's plan to trick my father and me into believing you wanted to combine our families. For a second I even thought you loved me, my mistake-"

"Excuse me? I don't know who told you it was all a big scheme but that is a lie. I would never do that to you. Ever. How dare you even excuse me for something like that."

"How dare I? The last time I saw you, you were expressing your love for me and how you can't imagine your life without me. Funny because the next morning I woke up to find you gone and to make matters worse, a little less than two weeks after you left you were getting married to Prince Ben. I had to watch the news with your perfect husband, your perfect son, and perfect life. You broke my heart when you left and it has never healed since."

They both were silent for a long time. Evie struggling to fight back tears and Harry trying fight back his rage.

"Harry the night I left was not my choice," Evie said softly, "When I came home from meeting you here, my mother told me to pack my belongings because I was going to Auradon. I sobbed and begged her to make me go, but she locked me away. She forced me to make a love potion to give to King Ben when we met or else she would kill you. I never wanted to leave you and when I did, it felt like my heart was literally broken. It still felt like that, until I saw you again..."

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