Chapter Twenty-Two

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Telling Ben's parents that he was dead was one of the most challenging things Evie had ever done. Belle cried a lot and Adam(The Beast) got furious after hearing what his son did her.

"I am so sorry for you lying to you guys all this time into thinking that Harry was your grandson."

"Evie," Adam said reassuringly, "Even if Harry wasn't our actual grandson, we still love him and he is still apart of our family. You are still a part of our family."

"Really?" Evie said shocked.

"Yes, sweetheart," Belle said, "We love you and I am so sorry my son mistreated you all these years. We never knew he could be like that."

"Yes, we had no clue but what shall we do about the king position?"

"I think you should become King again. I love Harry and want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Are you positive?"

Evie nodded in response. She had never been surer of anything in her life.

"Well, I think we are going to take the barrier down around the Isle so we can our grandson anytime we want."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, I've been telling Ben for years to take it down. The people on the Isle have become much better people and I trust them."

A gigantic grin entered on Evie's face and she wrapped her arms around them and squeezed tightly.

"Thank you so much!"


Evie waited anxiously as she drove over the bridge to the Isle. The car drove through the winding roads and to the pirate cove. When it stopped in front of the Jolly Roger, she let out a deep sigh. It was finally time for her to tell her son who his real father was.

As she walked down the stairs to Harry's captains quarters, she felt her stomach twist into knots. She was not sure how he would react to this kind of news. She opened the door hesitantly and looked inside the see Harry on his father's lap while he showed him a map.


"Yes," They both responded and laughed.

"I meant little Harry."


He said running towards her. She knelt down to pick him up and squeezed him tight.

"I need to tell you something."

"Honey, I haven't been truthful all these years."

"What do you mean?"

"About your father, Ben isn't your dad," She swallowed hard, "Harry is."

The little boy gasped and his eyes grew wide.

"I am sorry for keeping this from you."

"You mean my dad is a pirate?"

Evie nodded.

"That is!"

He said running towards Harry and squeezing him tight around the neck. Harry stunned for a moment, squeezed him tight. Evie walked over and joined them. She wrapped her arms around both of them. Finally, after so many years, they were all together at last.

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