Chapter Eight

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When Evie woke up, her head felt like it was being banged against the wall. She was surprised to find herself not in her castle and was confused as to where she was. Then like a ton of bricks, she remembered.

"Good morning, Evie. You've been asleep for several days. How are you feeling?"

Evie sprung up from the bed and looked angrily at the pirate.

"Harry Hook! You tell me what's going on and you better tell me now!"

"Evie, dear, calm down you don't want to pass out again," He said with a vicious smirk on his face.

"Harry stop it, I am not playing around."

"Oh, Evie, I know you're not playing around because neither am I."

"What am I doing here?"

"Well, I thought it time for you to stop playing 'princess' and come back to where you belong."

"I'm not playing 'princess' anymore, Harry. I am the queen of all of Auradon and that means the Isle, too."

"You are a liar and fake Evie. Remeber when I told you that when we first met, well it might not have been true then, but it is now."

"Why because I finally got off this hellhole and got an actual life!"

Harry didn't say a word. They just both looked at each other until Evie spun around, crossed her arms and let out a 'humph' like a child throwing a fit. Harry couldn't help but let out a hard laugh. Before long Evie turned back around and they were both laughing.

"I missed you while I was gone, you know," Evie after catching her breath.

Harry didn't say a word. He just looked at Evie with a confused look on his face. He wasn't sure if he should say it back or say something else. Instead, he gave her a small smile.

"Are those the pearls I got for you?" Harry asked looking down at her neck.

"Hey, I got some of them, too!" Evie said acting like she was offended.

"Yeah, the only thing I can remember was something different..."


"Come on, Evie. The water is great," Harry yelled up at his girlfriend.

"I'll ruin my hair."

"Come on, Evie. Please do it for me."

"Harry, I can't."

"I won't kiss you ever again unless you jump in."

Evie let out a loud laugh and thought to herself 'ha, he would never be able to go without kissing me.' She let out a deep sigh and prepared to jump in the water. She took off her coverup, leaving her in a bikini that only covered up her body a little bit(to drive Harry insane of course) and pulled her hair into a loose bun, and looked down at the water below. It was at least a two-story jump.

She took one last deep breath before running off the edge. She let out a scream and prepared to hit the water. When she did, it was like the most liberating experience she's ever done. She plunged out of the water with a grin on her face from ear to ear.

"That was amazing," Evie said swimming towards Harry.

"That was awesome! But, uh, Evie it seems when you jumped your top came off with it."

Evie looked down to find herself exposed. Her mouth dropped and she moved her arms quickly to cover herself up. She was mortified.

"Oh. My. God," was all she could mumble as she swam to get her top. She turned around and tied it around herself very tightly. When she turned around she felt the heat flood instantly to her cheeks and she was blushing.

"It's okay, I liked it," Harry said wrapping his girlfriend in his arms and leaving a kiss on her lips. "I didn't just take you here so I could see you partially naked, even though that will probably be the highlight of my day. I have a surprise for you."


"Yes now close your eyes and open up one of your hands"

As she did so, Harry placed a piece of string in her hand. As Evie opened her eyes and looked into her hand, she tilted her head to the side with a confused look on her face.

"We are going to make you a pearl necklace."


"This cove is known for its gorgeous pearls and I'm going to teach you how to shuck them."

Evie let out a small laugh and kissed her boyfriend.

"Awe you are so sweet."

"Don't thank me yet we have a lot of oysters to shuck. Come over here."

After hours of opening up oysters and searching for pearls, Harry and Evie had finished the necklace. Evie turned around so he could put it around her neck. She turned around and smiled at Harry before placing a loving kiss on his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you, too"


"I never take it off you know. Every time I wear it, it reminds me of you," Evie said smiling at Harry.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that."

"Harry I'm so sorry that I left-"

Before she could finish, Smee barged in the door reminding Harry of his meeting with the Isle distributors of food. Harry nodded and began gathering his stuff.

"While I'm gone you can hang out in my room till I get back. There's a tub so you can take a bath and I placed some of your clothes in there because from now on you'll be sleeping in the room right next to mine. We share a bathroom so looks like I'll be seeing a lot of you."

"Okay, but Harry when will I go home."

At hearing the word 'home', Harry looked down at the ground.

"Uh, I don't know yet."

With that, he left the room leaving Evie by herself.

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