Chapter Twelve

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Hours past before Evie opened the door again. Instead of seeing Harry at the other end, it was Smee.

"Smee, doe he always drink like that."

"I'm afraid so, my dear. Pirates typically drink a lot normally, but since you left, he gets drunk a lot. He stopped drinking for the longest time, however, seeing you again probably drove him to drink again."

"Where is her now?"

"Sleeping. I am personally sorry for anything that he said that made you cry, my dear. He doesn't mean anything that he says."

"Thank you, Smee."

"I brought you some dinner. I know the food here isn't as good as it is on the Isle, but it's the best we can do. Harry is really good at dividing the food amongst people to make sure no one goes hungry. He is a great ruler for this place."

With that, he leaves the room and Evie begin eating the food. It wasn't as bad as it was this morning, but it certainly wasn't any better.

After finishing eating, she got ready for bed. She pulled back the cover and climbed into the comfortable bed. Not too long after, she fell into a deep sleep.


In the middle of the night Evie was awoken by someone whispering her name. Her eyes opened, startled. Harry was looking down at her with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry for waking you. I needed to tell you that I was sorry for all the cruel things I said. Please forgive me."

"Harry, how could you say all those mean things to me?"

"I am so sorry. Seeing you and hooking up with you left me very confused. I didn't know how to handle it, so I drank for the first time in forever."

"Being drunk is not an excuse after all the mean things you said to me."

He took her by the hands and looked deeply into her eyes.

"I am so sorry. It will never, ever happen again. I promise you."

Even after Harry said all those cruel and hurtful things to her, she still loved him and didn't want to carry resentment with her.

"My husband, Ben, gets drunk sometimes. He's also a mean drunk, but he's usually way worse. He gets pretty abusive towards me," Evie said quietly looking towards the ground.

"What he hits you?"

"Sometimes, he always feels awful about it, but it still hurts. I'm just lucky he doesn't hurt my son."

"Evie, he's the king. People should know about this. He has no right to hit you."

"It's my own fault."

"No, it is not." Harry said lifting her chin so she was looking at him. He had a very serious look on his face.

"I know," She said sadly, "Harry, I forgive you. But I need to go home soon, Harry. My son is my entire world and a part of me is missing when he's not around."

"I know that. Just a couple more days okay. I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you leave me again."

"I know leaving you again will be the hardest I'll have to do, but it's best for both of us. You have to rule your land and I have to rule mine. Just know every single day I think about you," She had to stop because if she said another word, she would escape into a puddle of tears.

"I love you, I wish you could stay."

"I love you too, but we have five more days together so let's not fill those with sadness. We should fill it with happiness and love."

"I have an idea."

With that, he sprang up from the bed and went into his room.

"Get dressed," He called from his room.

Evie got up and pulled on a pair of black leggings, brown tall boots, and a blue shirt with 3/4 sleeves. She threw her hair into a messy bun.

"I'm ready," She called out to him.

Harry entered the room with a picnic basket and intertwined his hand with hers. They walked hand and hand off the ship and throw the woods. Surprising to Evie it was pretty warm still out.

When they finished walking through the woods they landed at the same cove where they got the pearls.

"We are here," Harry said.

"I see that. What are we going to have a picnic?"

"No, we are going swimming."

"I don't have my swimsuit.."

"That's okay because neither do I."

A giant grin entered on Harry and Evie's face. They each began taking off their clothes. Harry just threw his clothes in a messy pile, while Evie folded hers neatly. When they both naked, they grabbed hands and ran into the water. Evie let out a shriek as she dove into the cold water.

"It's freezing!"

"It is very cold, but come here."

Evie swam to him and he wrapped his arms around her. Evie wasn't going to lie, it felt so nice being in his arms again.

"I love you, Harry Hook."

"I love you, Evie."

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