Chapter Nineteen

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Evie got up from the ground slowly wincing in pain after every movement. She could hear Harry crying out for his mother as he was locked in the living room closet. She grabbed on to her side and began the slow and agonizing walk to the stairs. Thinking about climbing the many, many flights of stairs made her dizzy already.

It took Evie almost 20 minutes to climb all the stairs. She took three heavy-duty aspirins and applied almost a full bottle of cover-up to the many bruises all over her body. She painfully made the descent down the stairs before exiting the castle.

By the time she made it to Harry, she was almost on the verge of passing out. Evie didn't realize it then but he kicked her so hard that she had a few broken ribs and a partially collapsed lung. She walked on the ship trying her best not to look hurt. Smee was the first person to approach her.

"Sorry Evie, Captain does not want to see you right now."

"Smee it is an emergency. I need to see him."

"Alright," Smee said after a few moments of thinking, "But he is not going to pleased with me."

"Captain, Evie is here to see you."

"What part of 'I don't want to see her' don't you understand, Smee."

"Sir, it's an emergency."

A worried look crossed his face as Evie walked in the door. On the outside, she looked fine, but the way she moved told a different story.

"Evie, what's wrong?" Harry asked rushing over to her. When he touched her face gently she winced in pain.

"Evie, please I need to know what happened."

"It was Ben. He got really drunk tonight and he gets abusive when he's drunk. He's hit me in the past, but nothing like this. Tonight he was a monster."

Harry's face twisted from concern to hatred, but he tried to remain calm in order to hear the rest of the story.

"I was about to tell Harry all about you and pack up my things to come live with you when he arrived. He barged through the door and I knew something was wrong so I sent Harry into the living room. He had a beat up face and said that you did that to him. I can see on your face that is true."

Evie said reaching up and stroking some of the bruising.

"Looks like we both got beat up tonight," Evie said with a small smile on her face.

"I only did it because of the names he was calling you."

"Well, I told him you couldn't have done that to him and he slapped me across the face knocking me to the ground. Then he started kicking me all over and pulling me around the room by my hair. Then he left the room and returned with Harry. He told me to come tell you that I was never going to love you and that I am never coming back to the Isle. If I didn't tell you that, he would kill our son."

"Oh my god, Evie. I am so sorry he did this to you."

"I can't let him kill our son."

"By God, he won't do it. I will not let him do it. I have an idea."

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