Club Interruption: Club Members Unite!

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Seli's POV:

I stop when I notice that Sera isn't right behind me. Forth has handed her something and now she looks embarrassed. I beeline to her and ask what's going on. She holds up her pen then bursts out laughing.

"Forth knows we watched." She says in between giggles.

This happens when she's nervous. She giggles.

We follow the group and go back to the waterfall. This time everyone is fully clothed. Sadly.

We start wandering around and taking photos. It really is very beautiful here.  I manage to get some shots of the boys. Hey, I need some inspiration. This is only for research, I swear.

They are actually really fun to be around and we are all having a good time. I'm so glad Kati brought us up here. It's seriously out of the way though, how did she even find out about this place?

"Hey guys I'm hungry let's head back and have dinner." Kit says as he looks at his watch.

We all agree and pack up our stuff. We head back to the resort and I notice the trip back isn't nearly as eventful as the one here. I'm not disappointed though, instead of watching them from afar I'm getting to hang out with them. Enjoying them from close up.

We're joined for dinner by their moms and I have to admit, they're cool bunch of ladies. They seem to get along especially well with Lisa and Crystal.

After dinner we head our separate ways which is sad but still I'm sure they want some private time...without onlookers.


Sometimes I wish to be invisible. Only for research, I swear.

We decided to give the beach one more chance. If it ends up sucking we can always try exploring again.

... This wasn't meant the way you thought, pervert!

We set up our stuff and watch as the beach starts to fill up. My head snaps to the left as I hear a bag being dropped.

"Hey guys mind if we join you?" Beam says smiling widely.

As if we'd mind. Who do they think we are, haha?

"Of course not." Lisa says as she and Crystal rush over and mother them.

We chat for a bit then decide to go out into the water, well everyone except Lisa.

"Someone needs to stay and watch our stuff." she says. Yeah we're buying that.

So you know what you miss when you spy on people from far away? What they look like up close and half naked. TODAY they take off their clothes. Of their own free will.  Well their shirts and damn I need to fan myself. Not a single one of them has a bad looking body. It's almost unfair that they get to look at each other all of the time.

Not jealous at all, not at all. I'll just keep telling myself that.

We start playing around and I hear Yo say he's going to check on Lisa. He's so sweet. I notice Ming watching him as he goes off. I can see the debate about whether to follow him but he finally decides not to.

After a few minutes I turn back to see how Lisa and Yo are doing when I notice that Yo has been surrounded by a group of girls. He's trying to be nice but it's not working.

"Oh hell no!" I scream.

"Sera! Let's go save our boy." I call over.

She looks from me to Yo and her face hardens. Damn right! We stalk out of the water and head over to the group squeezing ourselves in on either side of Yo.  We each take an arm and smile at him. He actually looks relieved.

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