I Don't Think So

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"Say that again." My mother says leaning in close to Beam.

I stick my hand between her face and his and "gently" push her away from my man. She's lost her fucking mind if she thinks she can waltz in here thirteen years later and have a say in anything. Especially since I'm a grown ass man.

She straightens up and looks at me shocked. Kit pulls Beam back behind me. Yeah they can fight but no one is going to take on my mom.

"Who IN THE HELL do you think you're talking to like that Malai?!" Beam's mom screams from the doorway.

I take it back. Beam's mom will fight her. Not only that but following closely behind her is every maternal being that has been in our lives over the last thirteen years. My mother just stares open mouthed at the entourage that has entered the hospital along with every other single person in the hospital. I suppose it's a good thing that the director is family too.

The mothers have placed themselves between us and my mother and father.

"Boys you should go now." My mother-in-law says."

"But I want to watch." Beam half whines.

"What did I say?" She scolds.

"Yes Mae." He mumbles as we all walk away.

"I came here to see you Phana!" My mother shouts.

"Well that's not happening now so you can just stop right there. You can negotiate with us...his mothers." Kit's mom says.

Even to me it sounds harsh but at the same time it's nice knowing that they feel that way about me. I look at Beam and Kit and we head to the doctor's lounge.

"Holy fuck! I can't believe that just happened." Kit says pacing around his can't tapping as he moves around.

"What do you think she wants?" He finishes.

"I wish I knew. It makes me nervous." Beam says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Didn't you see the way she looked at me after she found out we were married. I don't think she likes it." He says sitting on my lap and leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Baby, do you think I'll let that woman do anything to you" I ask him.

"Of course I know you would try your best." Beam says softly.

"Try nothing. There's no way ever that I would let anything happen to you." I tell him adamantly.

I give him a kiss as Kit makes his way over and sits on us.

"This is why people think we're together Kitty." Beam says.

"I know." Kit says as he hugs us both.

The door opens and two doctors stop in their tracks as they look at us. Now most people are aware of Kit's personality so they tend to steer clear of him. Unfortunately these two doctors just walked into line of sight.

"What do you want?" he says giving them his patented look.

"Um n-n-nothing." One manages to stutter out.

"Then why are you here?" Beam has his face hidden behind Kit's back as he tries not to laugh at loud.

Our kitty really enjoys making people nervous. It makes him happy and of course we're all for things that make him happy. He never breaks eye contact as the two fidget in their spots. He starts to stand up and they literally bump into each other as they try to run from the room.

Now Beam is free to laugh and is joined by Kit and I. We needed that. Unfortunately my mind goes back to that woman. The last time I saw her she tried to take me away from Beam and Kit. I don't know what's on her mind now but I would prefer she just go back to wherever she came from.

The day drug on and seemed like it would never end. But thank heavens it did. All appointments and rounds done, now I'm off to find the love of my life. I get to the lobby where Beam and Kit are waiting with Forth and Ming. Of course they would be here. Forth always comes to get Kit and Ming for Yo who hasn't made it out yet.

We wait for Yo then head out together.

"Let's get sushi." I say.

"Yeah that sounds great. Are you okay with that Kit? Have you been standing too long? Does your leg hurt?" Forth asks ever concerned about Kit.

"I'm fine, idiot." He replies but blushes a bit before kissing Forth on the cheek.

"Excuse me. Phana!" we all turn to see that woman.

Dammit I thought she left. She hurriedly walks over to us. She stops in front of our group and looks us over. She wouldn't remember Ming and Yo but she should know Kit. At the time Forth wasn't hanging around us so she might not know him either.

She zeroes in on Beam though and Kit protectively moves in front of him. And of course Forth stands beside him. He doesn't know my mother and I'm pretty confident he doesn't give a shit who she is. If she goes after Kit he's going to react.

"I can't believe you two are still hovering around my boy." She says her face not hiding her disgust.

"I tried so hard to get him away from you but no, his father had to intervene and now look at him! Still with the two of you in this ungodly relationship." She throws at us.

"What did you just say?" I say slightly shaking.

"I know you heard me. Your father ruined you by letting you stay with these boys! I saw it then and tried to save you but no. He's just dragging you down to hell! Him and these, these harlots!" She shrieks.

"I swear to you Phana, I will save you from this life. I will get you away from these people and save you."

I feel Beam grasping onto me. He's shaking and it's pissing me off.

"Don't do me any favors. He is mine not the other way around and I promise you if you dare do anything to him I will kill you and not think twice about it." I tell her.

She stares at me and I know she can tell I'm not lying. I feel tears on my back. I turn and gather Beam in my arms.

"You fucking bitch! Who the hell do you think you are?" We turn to see Kit's mom.

Normally Kit' mom, though always feisty, looks maternal. Not today. She looks like she's here to kick ass. Gone is the familiar dress that she wears and is replaced by jeans and a form fitting shirt covered by a waist length leather jacket. Speaking of leather, that's what her knee high boots with steel plated toe are made of. Her hair is pulled pack into a tight braid that is tucked into her jacket.

"Kit I think your mom is going to kick my mom's ass." I whisper out.

"Looks like it." He says with a smirk.

"Look here Malai, you should just go and stop interfering in their lives. You were already gone, you should have stayed gone." Auntie Kannika says.

"I'm not interfering.."

"You are. You're trying to ruin my life, Beam's life, and Kit's life. No one wants you here. No one here cares what you think about how we live or who we love, so get out of our lives!" I say trying not to let my anger consume me.

"You don't know what you're talking about.  You've been brainwashed by these sinners.  You've lost your way.  I will not allow that to happen.  Mark my words boy, I will get my son away from you and see him married to a decent young woman." She spits out.

"I don't think so." Beam says stepping out into the light.

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