A Surprise Attack

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We go home and I am completely rattled. Why does she hate me? Why is she trying to take my husband? He is mine, he has been almost our entire lives. There's no way I'm letting him go. Not ever. I'll get my grandfather involved before I let anything like that happen. We know what happened to the last person who hurt me right.

I know full well that her life is not a pleasant one.

I'm taken by surprise when we find his mother waiting at our doorstep. Is she serious? Not only that she isn't alone. There's a girl with her. This can't be happening. How the hell did she find our house?

I text my grandfather. Oh hell yeah I tattled. This lady is crazy with a capital C-R-A-Z-Y! Just in case she has people waiting to ambush us it's best to be prepared. I know there are people watching my house, I just need them more visible right now.

"Brother Beam. Brother Phana." A man we call Pick says.

"I understand you don't feel safe right now." He didn't have to say it out loud.

"I don't trust that woman and I'm afraid that she may have brought people to kidnap Pha." I explain.

I don't mince words here. My concern is valid. She all but said that would take him away.

"I understand. We'll take care of it." He reassures me.

"Thanks P'Pick. I appreciate it." I say.

He nods and makes a call. Within five minutes a man comes and explains that there are men here and taking care of things. Also within that five minutes Pha's mother has made her way to us with that girl in tow.

"Ariel, this is my son Phana, your fiancé." She introduces.

I can't help it. This is now the third time I've encountered this woman today and I have reached my limit.

"You fucking bitch! This is MY HUSBAND. Who the hell do you think you are?!" I scream.

"I am his mother you little whore." She spits out.

As soon as the words leave her mouth I see Pha's hand take motion striking her face with a loud slapping sound. She falls to the ground from the force holding her cheek and trying to hold back the tears.

I'm surprised she can hold them back.  Pha is actually quite strong.  I know what it's like to be smacked by him but he's never hit me that hard. I always use my safe word before we get to that point because it's too intense.

I look at him dumbfounded and I know P'Pick is looking at him too. 

"How dare you?! I am your mother.  And for this....this.... person you would turn on me!" She screams still holding her very red cheek.

"You say you're my mother but I don't know who you are and I have had enough of you trying to insinuate your beliefs and whatever else you're trying to do on me. For the last time, Beam is my husband. He belongs to me so you need to back off because I promise you if I see you again you'll regret it." He says.

Yes! That's my man!

The house and surrounding property have been searched and no one was found. To be on the safe side one of the guards will stay with us while others patrol the outside. It sounds crazy I know but no one wants to risk anything happening to us. I am after all the favorite grandson and somehow they love Pha more than they love me.

I'm sitting in bed feeling overwhelmed and downright nervous when I get a text from my grandfather.

< This is why we love Phana > followed by a video clip of Pha slapping his mother and telling her off.

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