Too Good to be True

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Well that was the best appointment I have EVER had. I love that I was able to surprise Pha. It was worth all of the planning. I look at my prescription again and smile. I am going to definitely use this.

I make my way to Kit's office. I greet people along the way and take the time to appreciate this hospital. I am incredibly fortunate to work here. This is one of the best hospitals in Bangkok being almost ahead of the times with treatment facilities and equipment. Also the fact that we're related to the director doesn't hurt either.

I walk past the damn plaque with Kit's name on it. Why can't my husband buy a hospital wing for me? It's crazy but I feel super jealous every time I look at it. Then again I wouldn't want to go through the things that Kit went through to get it. I'm fine without the wing because I was never separated from Pha.

I look to see Kit doing rounds with the preemies. He's so good at what he does. He's like magic when dealing with babies. He's so good people flock to him to save their children and he rarely disappoints. It's not even an exaggeration. Not only that, he deals well with the parents which is surprising because my kitty can be temperamental.

Sometimes I think that if I didn't have Pha I would be with Kit. Forth be damned. Of course I do have Pha so the love I feel for Kit is a different love. But sometimes when it's just Kit and me, I can see where we could have been more.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and can't help but smile at how happy I am.  It's almost too good to be true.

Oh. I've been spotted. His face brightens as he smiles and I'm pretty confident that every nurse in there just swooned.

I wave and smile back.

"Oh gosh, I think the heavens just smiled down on us. Look it's both Dr. Jamornkun and Dr. Kongthanin. They're smiling at each other." Insert painful squeal hear.

"I totally ship them. They look so good together and you can't deny that they have chemistry." Someone else says.

"What are you talking about? Have you seen their husbands? It's like looking at art when they're all together." The first girl says almost reverently.

"Oh and Dr. Daichapanya too. He and his husband is part of that group right?" The second one adds.

Then there's a long sigh. I have to giggle. I haven't heard a conversation like this in a while. I turn and wink at the girls just as Kit walks out. I lean in close and place my lips right beside his ear.

"Play with me Kitty." I whisper.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek. When I pull back he looks at me smiling and shaking his head.

"Come on I'm hungry." He says grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers.

I knew he'd play. We can play like this as long as Forth and Pha aren't around. They're a little too possessive to let us act this way.

"Where's your cane?" I ask noticing that he's not using it.

"Oh I left it in my office, it's hard to move around the nursery with it so I usually leave it behind." He explains.

"Is that ok? Do you hurt?" I ask as I drop down and start examining his leg.

"No Forth, it doesn't hurt. I can handle a few minutes without my cane." He says giving me his annoyed look.

I know he's comparing me to his overprotective husband and you know what? I'm ok with that.

"I can't help that I worry Kit." I say pouting.

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