Beach Trip- checking in

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So many things can happen in two hours on a plane. Like kissing, petting, stroking, even sucking if you're clever. You know when that can't happen? When your boyfriend's mother is sitting right next to you. Technically Beam and I are beside each other while Beam's mom and Ming's Mom sit in the middle aisle next to Ming and Yo who are on the other side. So if you can imagine the cabin has six seats per aisle in sets of two. This allows the mothers to keep a watchful eye on two couples are a time. Kit and Forth are behind us with their moms beside them. Ahh the joys of life- sucked away in an instant.

"Hi. My name is Lisa, is there anything I can get for you two?" The stewardess asks with a smile.

"Some privacy would be great Lisa." Slips out of Beam's mouth as he glares at the seat across from ours.

She turns and looks at the mothers and then back at us. She smiles then clears her throat.

"Oh customer, you should have told me sooner that you weren't feeling well and needed to rest." She reaches above us and grabs something then fastens it across our seat blocking us from view. Beam breaks out into a wide grin.

"I love you Lisa." She gives a soft laugh that officially makes her my favorite airline stewardess.

"You have an hour before I have to put this back." She says as she checks her watch."

"Try not to be too loud boys." She winks then walks away.

Beam reaches out and grabs her. She looks at him with a smile still on her face. And not one of those fake ones but a genuine smile.

"The guys behind us and the ones across from us are in the same situation." Beam whispers to her.

She laughs out loud and nods at us.

"I'll take care of it." She replies then she leaves.

So now onto the naughty.

"Don't think we can't hear you boys." Auntie calls out.

"Let's just make out." Beam says looking a little depressed.

I smile as I pull him into a deep kiss. So what if a little grinding happened too. We didn't go any farther because there was nothing to clean up with and as nice as Lisa was, I don't want to ask that much of her.

The curtains have been pulled off, the plane has landed and we are waiting to get off. Kit comes around with a huge smile on his face. I think his naughty was naughtier than my naughty. Dammit.

"That stewardess was awesome wasn't she? She even brought us whip cream."

"WHAT?!!!" Beam and I yell.

"Nahh I'm just kidding. She just brought us a lot of napkins."

I knew it!!! His naughty WAS naughtier than ours. Ming and Yo walk over with big grins too.

"You guys get napkins too?" Beam asks, probably feeling as disappointed as I do.

"Why would we need napkins?" Yo asks quite confused.

Oh thank goodness it wasn't just us.

"We swallow so we didn't need napkins." Ming says.


We depart the plane and all make sure to thank Lisa on our way out. We hire a minibus so we don't have to worry about driving and getting lost. The driver takes us to the resort and is told we wouldn't need him until the morning. He seems really pleased about that. He gets paid for the entire trip regardless of how much he drives us around so I think I can understand him.

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