Chapter 2

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Paul sat on the couch staring into space. He was in deep thought, he couldn't get his mind off Susan. Why had all the girls he dated left him? Something bad always happened that caused them to leave, and Paul wasn't sure why. He was sure he had the worst luck in the universe.

John was sitting next to him on the couch. He wasn't staring off into space. He was staring at Paul with a strange look of regret on his face. He watched Paul in silence as Paul thought.

Paul didn't notice John was looking at him. He went on staring.

"Um, Paul?" John muttered.

Paul's head slowly turned. "Yes, John?" He said blankly, as if he was still thinking.

John stared down at his lap. "There's, uh, something I have to tell you." He started sweating slightly. "I don't want you to be mad at me, but It was me wh-"

John and Paul both jumped at a large knock on the door. Paul got up slowly and headed towards the door. As he did, the knocking grew more urgent. He sped up his pace, and quickly opened the door.

Ringo was standing there with intense fear on his face.

"Ringo, what's wrong?" Paul asked confusedly.

"George!" Ringo gasped as if he'd sprinted ten miles to get here. "!" Those were the only words he could manage before he fainted in the doorway.

Paul put his hands over his mouth as his eyes widened. John came up behind him.

"What's up? Something wro-" He noticed Ringo's body in the frame of the door. He glanced toward Paul, and then rushed to Ringo's side. He heaved him off the floor and carried him back to the living room. He lied him down where him and Paul were sitting moments ago.

"Ringo?" He gently tapped Ringo's cheek. "Ringo, can you hear me." He frustratedly tapped his cheek harder. Paul came back in from the hallway.

"What happened?" John stood up and faced Paul.

"Something happened to George." Paul looked scared as he turned towards Ringo. "It must be bad because he passed out."

John's face whitened. Was George dead? No, he couldn't be.

John and Paul were forced to wait until Ringo came to. They sat in silence for about an hour, when Ringo muttered the word George.

They both shot up off the floor and raced to the couch.

"Ringo?" Paul asked quietly. "You all right?"

"Yeah." Ringo whispered.

"What's wrong." John inquired. "Tell us everything."

"We, we were coming here. George and I. We were drinking at the bar. Just a little. We didn't think...we didn't..."

He was struggling with finding the right words.

"We were coming here alone. No cops around. We shouldve, we should've been more careful. A... a crowd of girls came. They surrounded us. It was scary. We both tried to push our ways out. I reached the end of the crowd, and I started sprinting away. I looked back. I...I didn't see George anywhere. I stopped running and stood there, and that's when I heard him screaming my name."

Ringo started tearing up. "I...I left him. I ran. I was too scared. I was... I was an idiot and a coward." He broke out sobbing.

John looked towards Paul with an extremely concerned look on his face. He got up and stared down at Paul with fury growing in his eyes.

"I'll go get him. You stay here. Comfort Ringo."

With that John sprinted out the living room and down the hallway. Paul heard the door slam, and turned back to Ringo.

"It's gonna be alright." Paul comforted Ringo. "That boy sure knows how to get things done."

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