Chapter 4

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John stared up at the blue house.

This is it. He thought. He walked towards the front door, and was about to knock, but he didn't. Instead, he headed around the house looking for a basement window. He finally found a tiny one, and lowered his body to the ground to look through. He gasped.

He saw George. Luckily, he looked fine. He was alone down there. He was tightly bound to a wooden chair that looked uncomfortable. There was rope that was wrapped around him all the way from his chest to his ankles. There seemed to be more than one layer of ropes. These girls obviously over-estimated his strength. John sighed with relief, because all of George's clothes were on. The only thing weird was that his hair was a mess, and his shirt was slightly ripped. The girls hadn't done anything really bad yet.

John then looked at George's face. There was a cut running from his cheek to his lips. He was trembling, barely, because the ropes held him so tight. He was staring at the floor intensely, waiting for something, anything.

John jumped up. He walked back to the front of the house and knocked on the door. No response. He knocked again, and after a few minutes, a voice spoke.

"Who is it?" The girl's voice shook.

"The mailman." Replied John sarcastically. "I believe you received something that isn't yours, and I need it back."

She waited a couple of seconds and responded. "Come back later, please. I'm in my pajamas."

"Of course." Grunted John. He suddenly heard the sound of many people moving quickly somewhere. He assumed a large crowd was moving into the basement, because he shortly heard the shut of a door. He ran back to the basement window. He saw George again. John heard the footsteps of a ton of people running down the basement stairs. George suddenly started whimpering and struggling to get out of his chair. The basement door flew open, and a crowd of girls came running towards George.

"Did you miss us?!" Yelled one.

"I'm back, sweetie!" Yelled another.

George couldn't move, so he turned his head away and shut his eyes.

Then they all skidded to a stop, when one girl suddenly yelled.


John recognized the voice as the girl at the door's.

"What's wrong, Marla?" Scowled a girl. "Want him to yourself first?"

"No." She scowled back. "It's just that you startled him. He's our guest, don't freak him out."

The girls then walked calmly towards George. Marla walked right up to him as the others stood a few feet away.

"Hi, baby." She giggled.

George slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to face her.

"Sorry, we were gone for a few minutes. We had to decide what kind of fun things we were going to do with you." She grinned mischievously.

George started tearing up. He shook his head and mouthed the word 'Please'.

Marla frowned. "Oh, quit being such a baby. You're supposed to be a strong, handsome, young man, no?"

With each word she moved closer to George, and when she was done talking, she laid her hand gently on his cheek. George flinched.

"Sorry about the scar, sweetie. We didn't expect you to struggle so much in that large crowd. I'm not sure who clawed you in the face, but I'm sure they didn't mean it."

She took her hand off his face and pulled out a knife. George's eyes grew wide, and he started whimpering again.

"Stop whimpering!" She yelled as she started cutting some ropes. After a few minutes, George was completely free, but he remained trembling in the chair.

"All right, girls! I'm done! Do what you wish with him." She backed away and smiled.

All the girls came running up to George and jumped on him. He fell off the chair, and they started tearing at his clothes and kissing him on the neck and lips. George squirmed and screamed and tried to get out of their grips, but they were too strong. They held down his arms and legs, and one girl started to move her lips toward his.

John couldn't watch any longer. He grabbed a nearby rock and swung it at the small window. It shattered, and the girls jumped off George and onto their feet. John crawled through the window and dropped to the basement floor. He picked up a big piece of shattered glass and stood up with a look of pure anger in his eyes.

"Give me back my Georgie."

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