Chapter 8

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When they got back into their house, they were very quiet. They sat on the couch and stared into space. After a while, George stood up.

"I'm gonna go eat a sandwich."

He turned and quickly made his way to the kitchen. Ringo jumped up and ran after him.

"I'll come too!" He yelled after him.

Paul and John stayed still. After a few minutes of weird silence, Paul started to slowly get up.

John suddenly stopped staring into space and looked at Paul.

"Where are you-" He asked in a very curious voice.

He coughed and restarted in a unenthusiastic-sounding voice.
"Where are you going?"

He pursed her lips pretending to not care where Paul was going.

Paul laughed. "Just going to clean upstairs a bit. I reckon our rooms are a mess. Care to join me?"

John jumped up smiling. "Sure. I'll help!"

They made their way upstairs and into Paul's room. It was completely organized, and didn't need any cleaning up done. They entered John's room, and Paul's jaw dropped. It was a complete trainwreck. There was crumpled up papers all over the floor, and half-eaten sandwiches on every surface possible.

John laughed when he saw Paul's shock.

"I'm not the most tidy person."

Paul turned to him. "No kidding."

"Wait, haven't you been in my room recently?"

Paul thought about it, then responded. "No. I think I've only ever been in your room twice before, and it was a long time ago."

"Oh. Really? Huh. I feel like you come in here all the time."

Paul looked at him strangely. "No."

John suddenly tensed up. He had been thinking of his dreams. Better not let that slip up. His dreams of Paul were, well, let's just say they weren't exactly PG. John shut the door, and started to look around for things to tidy up.

Paul started working immediately. He picked up dirty laundry off the floor and threw it into John's empty hamper. John started folding his clean laundry and putting it away. They finished after a few minutes. Then Paul picked up John's bed blanket, which was curled up on the floor.

Right before Paul flung up a side of the blanket to let it float down onto the bed, John dove underneath it. John lied underneath the blanket in complete darkness, and after a few seconds a light came from one of the sides, and Paul came slithering in.

John laughed as him and Paul just lie completely in the dark of the blanket. Paul started laughing too, and John started hearing Paul's voice turn slowly into a woman's. He stopped laughing and went into a flashblack-like trance.

"Haha! Oh Johnny." Smiled a beautiful woman. "I don't think hiding here will allow you to stay."

"Come on, mum! Aunt Mimi can't find us here underneath the covers. There's a small opening on that side of the blanket for light and air! I can stay here forever, with you!" A young John giggled.

The woman frowned. "Sorry, John. I know you want to spend more time with me, but I just...there's so much to do. I don't have time..."

John stopped laughing. "You don't have time for me."

The woman's eyes widened. "Johnny, sweetie, no! I love you. I'll always have time for you."

John wasn't convinced. He continued twiddling his thumbs.

Julia leaned towards John and put her hand on his shoulder. "John? Do you understand? John? John?"

"John? John? You okay, buddy?"

John jumped and pulled the entire blanket upward with his head for a second.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

"You...were kind of daydreaming for a sec." Paul looked down at his lap, avoiding eye contact. "You just kept saying 'Julia'. Over and over again."

"Oh, did I? I'm sorry."

"Listen, if you're still sad about your mum, you can always talk to me. I understand. You'll feel a lot better."

John smiled and almost started tearing up. He grabbed Paul and hugged him tight. Paul then wrapped his arms around John's, and they sat in the dark underneath the covers hugging for minutes.

They both heard a knock on the door, followed by it opening.

"Oh!" They heard Ringo yell. "Sorry! Um, I didn't see anything!"

The slam of the door quickly followed.

Paul laughed and John cocked an eyebrow.

"What's so funny, Macca?"

"Ringo probably thought you and I were, you know." Paul forced out in between laughs. "Yeah, right. We're the two straightest guys for miles. Ain't that right, John? Remember those girls we did back in Hamburg. And Ringo thinks we..."

He started cracking up again, and John laughed nervously.

"Yeah. Totally." John fake laughed. Then he muttered under his breath so Paul couldn't hear over his own laughs.

"About as straight as Bob Dylan's hair."

Paul stopped laughing. "What was that, Lennon?"

"Nothing." John smiled.

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