Chapter 30

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The four boys lied around the house all day, extremely exhausted. They mostly moped around, but in the beginning, they spent the time changing up the house. Paul and John now shared Paul's room, and John's old room was now the music room. Everybody was happy with the changes, so they decided they deserved a lot of rest. The four of them hadn't left the house in a few days.

It was around 2 p.m. when John and Paul were lying in the music room and jumped up. Ringo was yelling to them from downstairs.

"Guys. Hurry, come here! George is gonna die!"

Paul looked at John with worry in his eyes. "Oh, what now?!"

They both rushed downstairs to see George clutching his chest and wheezing on the floor.

"What's wrong?" John yelled. "Is he having a heart attack?!"

Ringo laughed. "No! Look outside!"

John looked at the front door, which was slightly open. "What are those?"

Paul looked outside too and gasped. "Are you kidding me?"

John walked up to the door and opened it all the way, and his jaw dropped. There were thousands of wrapped sandwiches piled up all the way down to the driveway.

Paul walked next to John and started laughing. "Well, I'll be damned."

"Did I miss something?" John asked with his jaw still hanging.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, let's get these sandwiches inside, and revive George from his sandwich-seizure."

A few more days passed, and homosexuality was decriminalized.

Paul and John walked down the street, holding hands. They were heading to the club after a long day of songwriting. They were ready to party and get down, but they stopped at the sidewalk by the motel first. They were waiting for someone, who they had invited to come with them.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late." A man waved to them from the motel. He came running towards them, and John smiled.

"Stu!" John let go of Paul's hand and embraced Stu in a tight hug. "How've you been, you old dog?"

They let go, and Stu blushed. "Oh, you know, I'm getting by."

They stared at each other smiling for a few seconds, and then Paul made a tiny cough. John turned and took Paul's hand again, and Paul made a slight bragging face at Stu.

They walked to the club, and started dancing away. John took Paul by the waist and lifted him up into the air. He spun him around and made him laugh. Stu stood there awkwardly. He was about to turn away and leave, when he tripped over someone's shoe. His face was about to hit the floor when he felt gentle arms catch him. A young man lifted him up, and smiled at him. "You come here often? You seem to be tripping over yourself."

Stu just stared at the man with wide eyes. Whoa, he's hot.

After a few seconds, the man smirked. "Quiet, huh? I love quiet guys. They're usually nicer, smarter...hotter."

The man winked. "I'm Gabe. And you are?"

Stu still stood in shock. "All yours."

Gabe laughed, and Stu blushed. "Stu, I meant Stu!"

"Nice to meet you, Stu." Gabe held out his hand. "May I have this dance, along with hopefully many more?"

Stu took Gabe's hand and they danced away, with Stu looking very overexcited. Paul and John finally stopped dancing for a second and looked over to see where Stu was. They started laughing. He looked like a kid after getting a new toy.

"Excuse me for one sec, John." Paul started walking away. "Just gotta tinkle real quick, be right back."

John nodded and walked to the bar to get two drinks. Paul slipped into the bathroom.

An ugly man was leaning against the wall, and smiled at Paul. Paul smiled back nervously, and went into a stall. He peed quickly, then came out and washed his hands. The man was still waiting there. Paul looked at him skeptically.

"Are you...waiting for someone?" Paul eyed the other stalls, but didn't see anyone in them.

"Just you. You're one of those faggots from that band, right?" The man grinned creepily and blocked the bathroom door. Paul reacted quickly and looked around for a window. There weren't any. "You're gonna grt what you fucking deserve." The man grabbed him, and he tried to pull away, but couldn't. The man dragged him back into the stall and shoved his head into the toilet. He locked the stall door.

Paul spluttered and choked, and tried not to drink the disgusting water. The man finally pulled Paul's head out, and kicked him to the floor. Paul struggled against the man, and started crying. The man kicked Paul in the back repeatedly, until a loud noise startled him.

The man jumped back when somebody burst through the bathroom door.

"Paul, guess what?! I got us some drinks! Wanna get crazy in here, if you know what I mean?!" John's happy voice came from outside the stall. "Paul? You here, sweetie?"

"Shh." The man covered Paul's mouth, and John couldn't hear Paul yelling back to him.

"Are you still peeing, honey? Is your junk out?" John laughed. "Can I see it? Heh, just kidding. Unless you want me to not be, then by all means let me look at you."

John beamed and peered over the only locked stall he saw, to see a burly man facing the wall standing completely still. John turned white and bit his lip.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry mister. My bad, I thought that my-"

Paul quickly poked his head out from behind the man's giant figure. John was confused for a second, and then the color returned to his face. Before Paul could blink, John jumped over the door. He pulled the man away, and started kicking his ass. He kicked him in the ribs until the man passed out, then turned to Paul trembling on the floor. John kneeled over him, then pulled Paul up to his feet. He took off his shirt and attempted to dry Paul's hair and face for him. Then, John sat Paul down on the toilet and hugged him for a long time, feeling Paul's tears run down the back of his shirt. He ran his hand through Paul's hair.

"Shhhh. It's okay, I'm here. You're okay." John squeezed Paul tighter.

Paul nodded, but continued crying. After a few minutes of hugging, the man on the floor started to come to. John quickly let go of Paul and turned to the man on the floor. He kicked him hard in the groin, and the man passed out again. He turned back to Paul and kissed him gently. When he stopped, Paul was smiling.

"I love you so much." Paul laughed.

John made a goofy smirk now that he saw Paul was calmer. "Your lips taste like shit." John grinned and Paul snorted. He lifted Paul bridal style, and kicked the man once more before stepping over his body. He walked out of the bathroom and out of the club, onto the sidewalk heading back home.

"John, I have legs, you know!" Paul laughed.

"Yeah, but you don't need to use them when you're with me. Deluxe treatment, baby." John winked. Paul giggled, then stopped.

"John?" Paul said seriously now.

John looked down at Paul but continued walking home. Paul bit his lip. "Thank you. For what you did back there."

John nodded. "Remember, I'm always here for you. To be your knight in shining armor and protect you from perverts, thugs, Nazis, murderers, and anyone else who tries to harm the noble Mr. James Paul McCartney."

"But what if something happens where you aren't? Do you think everything will go well in the future? Can our lives really stay this perfect for so long?"

John laughed. "Probably not. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see, Paulie."

Paul smiled up at John, and the rest of the walk home was peaceful and quiet. They definitely did not live a perfect life after that, but that's a story for another time.

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