Chapter 7

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"Aw, come on!" Yelled John as Paul showed him his hand.

"I win again!" Paul put his cards down and took the pile of cookies they were betting.

"Can I at least have one?" Pleaded John.

"Nope!" Smirked Paul. "I'm giving these all to George!"

A few days had passed, and George was now ready to come home.

"I'm don't get why they had to keep him for so long." John questioned.

"It doesn't matter." Paul sighed. "As long as he's feeling better."

They drove to the hospital, Paul holding the bag of cookies on his lap. They walked in, and up to the front desk.

"Hi." Blushed the lady. "What would you like?"

Paul smiled. "Um.....oh, we'd like to take home a patient."

"Certainly." She licked her lips.

Paul kept smiling. John's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Could you please come with me? I need to ask you a few questions." She got up, and started to walk away.

"Oh, ok." Paul started following her.

"Yeah, ok." John started walking too.

"Just him." She scowled.


John watched the girl and Paul walk off. Ringo stood there looking concerned for Paul.

"What do you think she wants with him that we couldn't tell her?" Ringo sighed.

"Couldn't tell ya." John sighed. "It's probably not about George, though."

Ringo sat down in one of the chairs lined up against the walls of the entrance lobby. There was a coffee machine, so John made himself a cup and sat down next to Ringo.

They waited a while, and after a few minutes, Paul and the girl came back giggling.

"Oh, good." John smiled. "Now we can go see George."

He started to get out of his chair, but stopped when he heard the conversation going on between Paul and the girl.

"I'm so embarrassed. It's a good thing that you have them though!" Paul laughed.

"Yeah." Smiled the girl. She pulled something out of her desk, and handed it to Paul. "Let's go now."

"Alright!" Grinned Paul. He turned to look at John and Ringo. "We'll be right back. Important stuff I've got to deal with."

They started to walk off together, and John saw what the girl had given Paul. Paul was holding a condom.

John's eyes widened. Seriously?! again?! He jumped out of his seat and took the lid off his cup of coffee. He looked back up at Paul and the girl. They were halfway down the hallway. John furrowed his brows and dumped his boiling coffee all over Ringo's lap.

Ringo's eyes widened and he shrieked so loudly, that everyone on the first floor turned their heads. John stood there frozen. Paul yelped and ran back over.

"Ringo, are you okay?!"

Ringo kept yelling.

"I'll go get some napkins and a cold towel, or something!" Paul said frantically before he ran back off.

John suddenly unfroze and his jaw dropped. He bent down and put his hands over his mouth. He took them back off and clenched his hair.

"Oh god, Ringo! I'm so sorry. I didn't, I...I didn't try...I didn't mean to, that was really...I'm such an idiot!"

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