Chapter 17

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John lied in silence for a few seconds. He turned to Paul. "It, it was me. I did everything." John was about to emotionally break down, but Paul was just really confused.

"What. What do you mean 'You did everything', John? What'd you do?" Paul looked concerned, stood up and knelt by John's side.

John gulped and held back tears.

"I, I, I've been intentionally ruining everything for you. I've been...getting rid of every girl you've been with. It's my fault you don't have a girlfriend. It's my fault you got slapped by Susan. It's my fault we got chased out of the hospital by security, which actually, I'm confused about right now, because I don't know why we're still being allowed into this hospital." John laughed and turned to Paul. Paul was not amused, so John turned away and continued.

"It's my fault you were beaten up by that man, and my fault you were dropped out that window. It's my fault I got glass in my back. And so everything bad that's ever happened to you or me is my fault."

He sighed again, then looked up at Paul. Paul remained still and quiet, and that was weird for him.

Whenever John screwed up, he was used to getting the 'trademark scolding session' from a very flustered and sarcastic Paul. It was usually sprinkled with bits of 'intense sassiness' and 'pointing out John's problems'. John had gotten used to facing this, and was strangely always excited for it. But now, Paul just stayed expressionless in disbelief.

John saw a twitch in Paul's eye, and got scared. Paul was holding it in. It looked like he was about to explode, but not into the usual 'trademark scolding session'. His eye showed that he wanted to actually kill John, but was holding it in, probably for the sake of John just being injured and in a hospital bed.

"Paul?" John raised an eyebrow.

Paul just slowly stood up, and headed towards the door. He put his hand on the knob and slowly opened the door. He was about to step out the door.

"Paul?" John pleaded quietly.

Paul slowly turned his head and looked at John.

"I'm sorry Paul, I really am. I hope you can forgive me soon. I was just being an idiot. I was an idiot acting out of jealousy."

Paul scowled at him and walked out the door. He slammed the door behind him, and made John jump.

Paul stormed down the hallway and caused several doctors to run out of his way. He went into the parking lot, only to see his car parked in the lot of another building. He walked for a few minutes, and got his shoes covered in mud, then knocked impatiently on the window of his car. There was a few seconds of nothing happening, then the door suddenly unlocked. Paul swung it open, and threw himself into the seat. He slammed the door closed. He put his head in his hands and screeched.

When he took his head out of his hands, he saw George and Ringo staring at him with wide eyes.

"You okay, Paul?" George asked sarcastically.

"Where's John?' Ringo questioned.

Paul turned to Ringo and gave him a nasty look. He put the keys in the ignition, and started the car.

George and Ringo exchanged worried glances. George turned back to Paul.

"Is he dead?" George looked frightened.

Paul shot a nasty look at George now. "No, George, he's not dead. Are you still drunk or something?!"

George held his hands up in defense. "Well, sorry. You did leave us in here for a while. We had to go somewhere."

Paul suddenly cooled down a little. "Oh. Sorry, guys. You haven't been here all night, have you?"

Ringo shook his head. "No, we went to the bar a few hours ago. We made sure not to have too much, though."

George sighed and did a face-palm. "You weren't supposed to tell him Ringo."


Paul sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "So, let me get this straight. You guys drove to the bar, at about 5 in the morning, for some reason. I suppose they let you in that early because you're Beatles. Then, you did a little bit of drunk-driving, and I guess parked in the wrong parking lot because you were so drunk. Which caused me to have to walk farther and get my shoes muddy."

There was a few seconds of silence.

George went to say 'no', but before he could Ringo spoke.

"Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how it all happened."

George did another face-palm. Paul groaned and clawed at his hair. Then, he took a deep breath, and started driving home.

George and Ringo exchanged more glances. George raised an eyebrow.

"Um, what's up with you? Where's the usual explosion? The yelling and the scolding and the 'how could you be so stupid'?"

Paul just focused really hard on the road. "I don't know what you're talking about."

George and Ringo both raised an eyebrow and spoke sarcastically in unison.


Paul sighed. "Fine, maybe I do that sometimes."

George coughed.

"Fine, all the time. But I'm just really out of it right now. "

Ringo nodded. "Obviously. You look terrible."

Paul shot him a nasty look. George sighed.

"Oh, Ringo. You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut."

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