Chapter 12

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Jim grabbed Paul by the front of his shirt and slammed him into the window behind him. Paul let out a tiny wheeze.

"That's right!" The guy spat in his face. "That's what you get for messing with my girl."

Jim turned his head to look at Tina and she squealed.

"I'll deal with you later. You're going to wish you were never born." He smiled creepily at her. "But first, this guy's going to go for a little ride. Then, he turned back to Paul and continued to slam him into the window repeatedly.

John stood in the doorway biting his nails. Then he suddenly stopped as his eyes widened. This guy's going to go for a little ride? Was he gonna slam Paul until the window broke?

John looked closer at the window and saw a large crack in the spot Paul was being slammed into. Oh no.

John belted from the doorway down the stairs. As he ran, he heard multiple loud sounds at once. He heard glass shattering, Paul making choking noises, and Jim laughing. John sprinted as fast as he could to the back door of the house and he looked at the ground underneath where Paul's window was. The window had finally broken, because broken glass was scattered all over the grass underneath the window. As John looked up, he saw that Paul was dangling out the window. Jim had his hand wrapped tightly around Paul's neck, and was the only thing holding him up. Paul was turning pale. He was being strangled. John's entire body froze. This man is going to kill him.

John suddenly regained his strength and ran to the spot right under Paul's window. He heard Jim cackle again, and speak.

"I'm not going kill you, you know. I just want to make sure you know who you're messing with. So to show you how nice I am, I'm going to let you go."

Paul suddenly turned even whiter, then passed out. Jim laughed once more, then let go of Paul's neck.

The entire world seemed to go in slow motion for John.

Paul's limp body slowly starting falling from the window.

John looked around at the broken glass scattered around the ground.

John looked at the distance between the window and the ground.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

He held his arms out.

Paul fell hard into them.

John fell hard to the floor.

John felt glass hards cut into the back of his legs and arms.

He looked at Paul cradled gently in his arms.

John smiled and passed out.

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