Chapter 27

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A ton of protestors cheered, and John smiled. However, the excitement ended quickly. Tons of people started screaming at him, and chucking rocks at him. John shielded his face, but continued to yell into the mike. "Whatever, do your worst assholes! I don't care what you people think!"

The crowd went almost silent, and one ugly man in the front grumbled. "Oh, you're gonna." He looked behind him, and nudged his head towards John. Quickly, the large group of angry people starting storming towards him.

"Shit." John whispered under his breath. He threw the microphone at the crowd, and knocked out the cameraman. He then tried to jump off the bench, and run, but it was too late. Somebody had grabbed his leg, and he fell face-first into the dirt mid-jump. He felt a million hands grab him, and a forceful blow to the side of his head before blacking out.

Paul slowly came to, and found George shaking him.

"Come on, Paul! We have to go get him!"

"Huh?" Paul stammered. "What? Who?"

"John!" Ringo shouted in his face. "We have to get him before he gets hurt!"

Paul suddenly remembered what happened before he fainted. "Oh my god! What happened?! Is he okay?"

"We don't know!" George bit his lip. "The crowd started moving towards him, and then he chucked the mike at the cameraman. The screen just showed the grass after that. He could be okay, but..." George looked away.

Ringo butt in. "But he's probably not, so we have to go now!"

Paul jumped to his feet. "Right, let's go. If we take the car, we can make it before anything really bad happens."

They all ran to the car, and Paul jammed the key into the ignition. It started quickly, and sighed in relief. George and Ringo jumped into the backseats. He tried to pull forward, but then couldn't turn out of the driveway.

"What! What's wrong?!" He looked around frantically. George and Ringo were looking scared and were staring at something to the right of the car.

Paul turned his head to look, and gasped. "What?! What is she doing here?" He jumped out of the car and walked around. "Susan?! Why are you here?!"

Susan stood there looking insane, and all of Paul's tires were slashed. She was sweating, and and knife was held tightly in her fist. Paul backed up a little once he saw it.

"You." She grunted. "You ought to be ashamed of your friend."

Paul narrowed his eyes. "I'm not."

"Too bad , I guess." Susan laughed creepily. "I was thinking about get back together with you after hearing about how your little scumbag of a friend lied."

"What are you talking about Susan?!"

"Your friend. Do you not remember what happened about, oh, a week and a half ago?"

"No." Paul said slightly embarrassed.

About a week and a half earlier

"Yeah." Paul smiled. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

He leaned in and kissed Susan gently on the lips. All of a sudden, she pushed him really hard. He fell backwards off of the couch they were sitting on.

"What was that for?"

Susan broke out in tears. "You know why, you jerk!" She got up and started to walk off.

"I honestly have no idea!" Paul yelled after her.

She turned back around and bent down, scowling. "I just heard about what you did to that poor little girl. You sick monster, I should turn you in to the police!" With that, she slapped him across the face as hard as she could, and stormed off.

Paul wasn't sure what to do. He was overwhelmed with many different emotions at once. He was confused, angry, astonished, and feeling terrible overall. He couldn't handle it. All of a sudden, he put his hands onto his face and started bawling.

"Paul?!" Came a voice from behind him. "Macca, are you ok?!"

Paul took his hands off his face and quickly wiped away the tears. He turned around and saw John standing there, looking very worried.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Paul sniffled.

"What happened?" He asked with curiousity.

"Susan just broke up with me. Something about me doing something terrible to a little girl. She was bloody mad!" Paul yelped.

John smirked for a second, and quickly hid it before Paul saw it. His face rested with accomplishment. He had done it. He had broken them up. Then, all of a sudden, John face tensed up. He looked at Paul's cheek and saw it was very red.

Paul saw John staring at the mark and continued talking. "She slapped me, hard. It isnt even that bad. I started crying because I'm a bloody baby."

John's face quickly turned to anger. "That little-"

Paul couldn't hear the rest of his sentence because John was already out the door and down the hallway of Paul's house.

John grabbed the girls arm as she walked down the driveway. She turned around, sneered, and yanked her arm away.

"What do you want?"

John was fuming. "You hit my friend."

"Yeah, because he deserved it. He sexually assaulted a little girl! I got a letter from a little girl that said so."

"I wrote that note. Because I didn't want you and him to be together. Now you're going to go back in there and apologize or so help me, I'll-"

"Why?" The girl looked suspiciously at John.

"Because you slapped him." John hissed.

"No." The girl rolled her eyes. "I meant 'why' did you not want us to be together."

John froze up. "Um."

"What are you, one of those queer weirdos?" The girl scoffed.

John stood up straight and lowered his eyebrows. "As a matter of fact, I am."

The girl's face screwed up in disgust. "YOU?! WHY, YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE SLIMEBALL! I should have known!"

John stood his ground. "Yeah, whatever. I don't care about what you think. Go run off with another boy, you bitch."

"Why don't you, you little faggot. Isn't that what people like you do? Or do you just like raping little boys?!"

John suddenly lost it, and pretending he was about to charge at her. She screamed, and started running.

Paul came rushing outside. John was standing there looking completely enraged. Susan was running away as fast as she could. John spit at the ground, and then turned to Paul.

"Sorry about that." He said sheepishly.

"What happened?!" Paul yelled at him with anger. "What'd you do to her?!"

John looked scared. "Nothing! I swear! I didn't touch her."

"Anyway," Susan scoffed. "I told my daddy, a police officer, but he didn't really believe me, so I decided to take the matter into my own hands. I kept trying to attack him whenever he wqs alone, but he was always rushing somewhere, or was too busy being attacked by someone else, or was" She suddenly looked at Paul curiously. "Which is why I thought to myself, 'what if his little friend is a fag, too. I mean they're always together, so why not?' So now I slashed your tires, to keep you here, and ask you myself Paul, are you one of those animals?" Susan had an evil look in her eyes.

"Yes." Paul said proudly.

"Wrong answer." Susan glared, then launched herself at him.

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