2•The Three Missing Sapphires

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I, Purple Sapphire, walked down the long hallway of the ship until I had reached one of the 'important' gems rooms. I gently knocked on the door, and seconds later it opened.

A peridot with her gem on her head with limb attachments looked down at me. "Purple Sapphire? Why are you on this ship?" Period asked.

"Pink Diamond wants me to be around her at almost all times. To make her future... better," I said. "I just need to speak with you. I heard you're a smart gem."

Peridot blushed a light shade of blue. "Well... I guess I am. All of us Peridots are intelligent in our own ways-"

"You know Pink Diamond's history, right?" I asked. "Like who she's known before?"

Peridot thought for a second. "I'm only a few hundred years old, Pink Diamond is millions. I only know a few. Come inside."

I walked inside Peridot's room and looked around. It was small and green, but roomy enough.

"I just want to know any other gem that Pink Diamond liked. Like me, she wants me around her all the time like her Pearl," I said. "I can't be the only one."

"You aren't," Peridot said. "I don't know the entire story, but I know Moonstone knows. She's been working for Pink Diamond ever since she was made."

"Is she here? On this ship?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, she might be though since she works for her. I have to get into the control room to find out. There's a list of gems that are on this ship printed down," Peridot walked out of the room and I followed her.
We walked all the way back to the control room, where Peridot went into the system and read a list of gem names.

"Moonstone 5-56. That's her. She's in the station just a few floors down. If we head down there we can ask her about Pink Diamonds divisions," Peridot said.

"What are you shorties doing in here?" A rough voice boomed from behind us.

I turned around and saw a Jasper. Her gem was on her nose, and it shinned under a light. "You aren't allowed to be in here," she said, stomping towards us.

"Actually, I have all rights to be in here. We were just... making sure the systems were all right," Peridot said fast. "Why are you in here?"

"Because, I'm supposed to check in all the places, like you little brats, shouldn't be in. Pink Diamond won't be pleased," Jasper said, picking Peridot up and tossing her out of the room.

"Hey! Pink Diamond treats me like another Diamond. You have no right to-"

Suddenly a powerful force hit my stomach and I flew out of the control room and into the hallway. I caught my breath and tried to stand, only to have Jasper's foot holding me down.

"You useless default runt, Pink Diamond doesn't care about you. She just cares about how you've made her future like gold. You're just going to end up like Green Sapphire," Jasper said.


Jasper laughed. "Oh, I'm so scared! Please, if this gem is so weak, then how will I be trapped with them?"

"Let me go you oversized pig!" I snapped, getting out from under Jasper's foot and summoned my weapon. I pointed my Mace at her.

Jasper rolled her eyes. "A little runt like you can't hurt a Quartz like me," then she headed down the hallway. "And if I ever see you again, I'll shatter you both."

I took a deep breath to face Peridot. "Are you oka-" but she wasn't there. The hallway and the control room was empty. "Peridot? Are you there?" I realized she left. "ARG! YOU'RE FUTURE IS GOING TO SUCK TO! YOUR LOVE LIFE WILL HATE YOUR GUTS!"
Then I stormed down the hallway, my weapon disappeared, my fist clenched, and I felt rage. I have never let my eye show before, but now my bangs were pushed out of my face and I didn't care. I stormed to the station and looked around for a Moonstone.

"Is there a Moonstone down here? I need to talk to her!" I called.

Only a few gems looked at me and then went back to work. I took a deep breath and walked around the station. Hundreds of gems were working, either fixing wires or healing gems that were cracked on the job.

I never realized how many gems can heal others. They seem to be dying off lately, it doesn't make sense. Everyone is trying to figure out what's going on, but the Diamonds won't leak out any information. Some gems think the gems that can heal are being shattered by gems that don't believe in re-healing. It's when once a gem is cracked, it's cracked.

I never cracked my gem before, unlike my crazy Amethyst friend. Her gem is on her left thigh, and she's broken it twenty and five six times, and she's only two thousand years old.

None re-healing believers hate Amethysts. Because of their rough behavior, they're the most common gem to break their own gem. Cracking your gem doesn't get you into any trouble but possible death. But when you crack someone else's gem, there's court with the Diamonds and everything. It's a serious thing, which is why when I meet someone, I give myself a future not to break their gem.

"Someone call a Moonstone?" a voice boomed from the back of the room. "I'm right here if you need me!"

Several gems moved out of the way, giving me a glimpse of Moonstone. She had a moon crescent under her right eye, long light gray hair, and freckles that looked like stars on her cheeks. She had wide hips and thighs, nothing but muscle.

I ran up to her. "Moonstone, I have a question to ask you," I said. "Do you know any gems Pink Diamond has treated like... royalty?"

Moonstone laughed. "Everyone knows Pink Diamond doesn't treat anyone like royalty, not those three Sapphires at least."

"Sapphires? Where are they?" I asked.
"Missing," Moonstone said. "It's odd though, once the Sapphires couldn't do their 'jobs' anymore, they suddenly went missing-"

"She shattered those useless gems that's what happened!" a dis-colored gem yelled in the background. "Hey, you're that Purple Sapphire Pink Diamond loves. Why is a gem like you down here?"

I held my breath. "I- was sent here...?"

"Don't lie!" A Lapis Lazuli snapped, getting up from a seat. "Don't be like that trader Pearl!"


"Get out of here, your important kind isn't allowed down here in the station," Moonstone said. "Who are you to ask who else Pink Diamond treated good? Hell, soon you'll be missing too when you can't make a future for her anymore."

There were some snickers. I took a deep breath and faced the Lapis. For some reason I hated her the most.
"You, the person you looked up to the most you will hate later. You will trap them in agony and pain. That's what will make her a better gem," then I headed out of the station, I've made three horrible futures for three gems I barley knew. I had to get control over myself, pretty soon one little bad thing and I'll give everyone a bad future. This gift was given to me for a reason, I can't... I don't even know the word. Overuse it? Use it for evil? Something like that.

"Sapphire! There you are!" Pink Diamond said. "I've been looking for you. Have you thought of a good future for me?"

"A perfect one," I sighed. "You useless overpowered waste of gem minerals," I mumbled.

"Wonderful! Now, I also got some news from Jasper-"

"She attack us. All we were doing was looking for a gem and she kicked us out of the control room and-"

"Sapphire, you see- you aren't allowed in here when I'm not," Pink Diamond said.

At the corner of my eye I saw Pink Pearl snicker.

"What? Why not? I was just looking for a gem!" I snapped. "How is that a crime?"

"It's not a crime. It's just only a Diamond can use the control room. You're a Sapphire," Pink Diamond said.

Suddenly I felt rage inside of me. And I couldn't contain it. "I'm just a Sapphire. I've been saving your pink ass for more than a century and this is how you repay me?! I have given one of the most important gems of all time a beautiful future, and you won't even let me use the control room! Everyone is right about you, you only use us Sapphires to make your life golden! And now it's time to end this crap. WILL YOU BE SHATTERED BY YOUR ROSE QUARTZ!"

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