8•10,000 dead

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I made my way into the village, and was immediately greeted by a floating gem, almost transparent with chains wrapped around her. She smiled at me, and two black eyes opened on her forehead.
"Who are you?" I asked. "No gem can float but the Diamonds!"
She tilted her head. "Float..."
"Yes, you're floating," I said. "What gem are you."
"Charoite..." she said, looking around. "Where is the war?"
I pointed to the mountains. "Behind there-" then I noticed something, there was a really small piece of her gem under her eye. And I realized, she was a shard.
"Uh- are you okay?" I asked.
"I'm... fine. Everything looks so... orange," she said, looking around. "I was in the war, and then suddenly everything went black."
She has to be a gem shard, her gem must be trying to recreate her form, but it can't all the way, because it's just a shard.
"I think you should rest," I said. "You'll heal quicker while you're resting."
"I don't need rest," Charoite said. "I just need to find the rest of myself."
I slowly walked passed her and ran to the village.
"Purple Sapphire? Where have you been?" Ocean snapped. "It's about the war, were losing badly!"
"Make a future for them! Make them win!" Clover cried.
I closed my eyes. "Fine... the Crystal Gems will win the war, by cracking White Diamond's gem, and retreating."

5,000 years later

"I predict Lavender will leave?" Padparadscha Sapphire said.
I walked towards the gate, and felt a hand on my shoulder. Rhodonite stood behind me. "Are you really going? What will we do without you?"
"I've given you a good future, somebody will come to save you soon enough," I said.
"B-but what if Yellow Diamond finds us?" Padparadscha asked. "We can't defend ourselves, there are only six of us."
The Yellow Pearl in the back sat down on a rock. She wasn't the Yellow Pearl, her gem was on her left hand. She had a pointy nose like most Pearls, and a yellow skin tone.
"I think we'll be fine without Lavender for a little while," Yellow Pearl said, lacing her fingers together. "She gave us a good future."
"But what if you don't come back?" Emerald asked.
I smiled. Emerald had been here with me ever since the Shimmers were wiped out by White Diamond 3,000 years ago. It was tough. Me, Yellow Pearl, Emerald, Rhodonite, Padparadscha, and Ocean were the only ones that escaped. The others... were all either shattered or bubbles and taken to Homeworld. Who knows what the Diamonds did to them.
"I just want to check on Earth. Yes, the Crystal Gems won. And I simply don't care for Rose or anyone else, but I still feel like... the thing I said to Rose 6,000 years ago, I cursed something she valued the most. And I want to see what it is," I ran out of the gate. "And find a new home!" I called as I ran to ship that landed a couple days ago. A few gems landed it there to do research on this place, so I decided to hide in it and wait for them to fly to Earth. There was no other way to get there. I didn't know how to start a ship or anything but I can drive one. There has to be someway I can either distract all the gems or bubble them to bring the ship to Earth.
A few days of waiting, and the door of the ship opened. Five Ruby's and a Star Sapphire walked into the ship.
"Sapphire won't see me in her vision," I whispered, hiding in one of the rooms in the decent sized ship.
"How long will it take to get us to Homeworld!" The Ruby pushed Sapphire to the ground. "There better not be any trouble getting there!"
"I... I don't see any trouble!" She cried, covering herself from the abusive gem.
"Good..." a Ruby with its gem on its eye walked over. "Because of you miss something like before, we're going to shatter you."
Star Sapphire stood up, shaking. She fixed her dressed and walked towards the window near the door I was behind. "Why are you here," she whispered.
I ducked deeper behind the door. "Pretend I'm not here, and I won't shatter you like I'm planning to do with the Ruby's," I snarled.
"Shatter them," she said. "Like I give a damn. What's your plan- to go back to Earth?"
"How did you... oh yeah. You can see the future," I said.
"Can you not?" She asked.
"I have a different power. I can make the future," I said. "I was owned by-"
"Pink Diamond," Star nodded. "So was I. For a little bit, she made me to be like you... The Great Sapphire, or the Powerful Purple, or the Sapphire."
"Those are the names the gems of White Diamond have given you, sense White Diamond never liked Pink Diamond since she was made," then Star paused. "She found out I could only see the future and not make one. I was made before you, a few hundred years later, you were made."
"So you must know Ocean, Clover and Peach? Pink Diamond's other Sapphires?" I said.
"No, I never went to look for them. I begged Pink Diamond for a normal life, and she gave me one. She handed me to Blue Diamond and she took me, I've been the rebel Sapphire's replacement for a long time-"
"Sapphire! What are you doing! We're about the launch! Stop staring out the window!" A Ruby snapped.
"I'll be right there," Star called, then turned to me. "Hope you make it to Earth or whatever," then she ran to the Ruby's.

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