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I seem to be everywhere...

I tried to open my eye, but it was... hard. I couldn't, because I had no eye.

I'm on Earth... and with Blue Diamond, and mostly with White Diamond, and in a room. I was in Steven's hands and on the ground.

My hands touched another, but my other hand was gone. I was in the hands of something crying, something with an apathy emotion, and someone with pride in their mind.

"Yellow!" I called, even though I knew nobody could hear me. I didn't have a mouth, but I could hear my voice in my head.

You won't find anybody here...

"Who are you?"

I can't... remember anymore. I've been in this place for so long. I have no memories.

"Where am I? Where are we?"

You're dying. A gem doesn't die as soon as she is shattered, it takes some time. For some reason, I've been in here for a long long time. It's like something is blocking me.

"Dying? I-I'm not dying! I was on the mountain and-"

In my time here I've learned shattered gems can't remember the last ten seconds of their life. It's odd, like their gem doesn't want them to know their dead...

"How was I shattered?"

I don't know.

"I have to get back to Earth! Steven needs me! We need to fight the fusion!"

Fusion... I remember that... my Amethysts would fuse with each other sometimes when... when we were alone. Someone didn't like fusion.

"Your Amethysts? Who are you?"

I can't remember-

"THINK! Maybe if you remember, you can get out of here!"

What's your gem...

"I- I can't. I don't know..."

I felt my memories slowly washing away. I had no senses but hearing... this random voice.

"I have to get out of here! GET ME OUT!"

They usually scream at me. Some even just accept they're shattered.

"I'm not shattered, stop saying that!"

I felt something lift me up, piece by piece.

You feel it, don't you? You feel something lifting you?


I feel that sometimes, and usually they cry. But that something is hiding me. Only half, the other parts are with other ones, and I'm trapped by one piece.

"I'm in one place, so that means I'm not shattered..."

I'm surprised you haven't died yet. Why are you still here?

"Because I'm not shattered."

You are, why else are you here?

"Maybe I was meant to talk to you. Maybe I know something you don't."

I've lost all my memories, and you brought one back. Fusion. Bring back more.

"Um. Earth? Earth is a good place-"

EARTH! I remember that word. That word changed me life... and it-

"Are you sure you have no idea who you are? Or how to get out of here?"

Purple Sapphire (Steven Universe x reader)Where stories live. Discover now