9•White Diamond

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I made a list in my head of everyone I knew that was 100% dead. Jade, Turquoise, Amber, everyone in the Shimmers. I haven't seen Ocean or clover ever since that one day, it's like they just dissapeared, and I never got to see Peach. I almost never got my revenge on Peridot for leaving me behind. There were so many things I wanted to do, but first things first, go to Earth and see whats going on. I really hope Emerald and them find a new home while I'm gone, they can't stay in one spot forever, they'll eventually be found.

Suddenly the ship shook and I fell to the ground. I got back up as the ship starting flying, and I balanced myself. There was a small window on the wall letting in some dim light, revealing that I was in some storage room. There were machine parts were scattered everywhere, I couldn't tell if they were broken or new. I'm not familiar with Homeworld's new machinery.


I flinched as a figure jumped in front of me with a big smile on her face. "You really think I'd let you travel alone?" Yellow Pearl said, leaning against the wall.

"Yellow! Why are you here? You can't be here!" I cried. I peeked out the crack of the door and watched some of the Rubies.

"They're just Rubies Lavender," Yellow said, sitting down near a pile of scattered pieces of metal. "Besides... I've missed Earth since..." she drifted off and stared at the ground. "I'm just glad I found you before I was shattered."

I had nothing to say, I peeked out the door and faced Yellow. "I didn't save you, it was Ocean. I just ran around trying to find anyone I could."

"Yeah, but if you didn't do that I'd be gone," Yellow picked up a piece of metal and scanned it. "I overheard you were going to shatter the Rubies. What about the Star Sapphire?"

"I... don't know. She doesn't seem to really care where she goes, as long as she's away from those Rubies," I said. "But she knows who I am, I can't have her telling the Diamonds I'm still alive."

"Bubble her," Yellow said. "We can bring her with us to Earth and try to convince her to keep it all between you and her."

I peeked out the door one last time. Star was standing in the middle of the room, staring at a Ruby holding a Diamond Communicator. The Ruby twisted the Diamond, and it turned white. The object floated in the air, and within seconds a figure appeared.

"Ruby? What do you need, why are you calling me on this line?" White Diamond spoke.

Just seeing her face broke my heart. She was the one that shattered most of the Shimmers, she didn't even think twice about it. White Diamond, she was going to be the next Diamond to be shattered.

"My Diamond!" Ruby said, making a Diamond shape with her arms. "The Sapphire that was given to us for this mission failed. Her future vision isn't working correctly and-"

"Why did you call me just to tell me that?" White Diamond said. "Of course I didn't give you a perfect Sapphire, you were just exploring part of a planet, you shouldn't even have been given a Sapphire!"

"B-But my Diamond..." a Ruby with her gem on her chest said. "We were attacked by a cluster, and she didn't see it!"

White Diamond froze, her spiky white hair shinned from the moonlight behind her. "Bring her to me as soon as you get here," she said.

"Yes my Diamond," Ruby said, and it went off.

"It was just one time," Star said. "I don't want to be shattered for messing up once!"

"Shut up!" the one-eyed Ruby snapped. "One of us was crushed by that cluster abomination! I don't care if you get shattered or not, you deserve to be for missing Ruby's death fate."

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