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Just in case you forgot:

Purple Sapphire was 'owned' by Pink Diamond. Pink Diamond created Purple Sapphire to make sure she had a good future during the planning and during the war between the Crystal Gems.

Purple Sapphire goes to Peridot's room (yes, our Peridot), and asks her who else Pink Diamond knew before Purple Sapphire was made. Peridot says a Moonstone in the bottom of the ship knows, and Purple Sapphire goes down there and when she finds Moonstone, she's told that all of Pink Diamond's Sapphire suddenly went missing, and are called the three missing Sapphires.

Purple Sapphire goes to the control room, where she learns that Pink Pearl isn't fond of Purple Sapphire. When Pink Diamond and Pink Pearl leave, Peridot and Purple Sapphire go to the control room where they are attacked by Jasper, who cracks Purple Sapphire's gem, which means she can't make any more futures until it is healed. When Jasper leaves, Purple Sapphire realizes that Peridot had ran away.

When Pink Diamond comes back, she tells Purple Sapphire that she shouldn't be in the control room. Purple Sapphire get angry, telling Pink Diamond she will be shattered by somebody she trusts. Purple Sapphire knows she's in trouble, so she runs. She meets Peridot, and asks if she can launch her to Earth. Peridot agree and they go to the Launch Pad room.

Peridot leaves Purple Sapphire, and goes to Earth herself. Leaving Purple Sapphire on the ship with a bunch of angry gems.

Lapis Lazuli, the 'commander' of Quartz her are looking all over the ship for Purple Sapphire. Purple Sapphire leaves the room, and meets Blue Pearl, who was assigned to save Purple Pearl's life by her Diamond. Blue Pearl gets Purple Pearl in a launch pad and tells her that the leader of the Crystal Gems a Rose Quartz can heal her gem, and sends Purple Sapphire to Earth.

It takes sixteen years to get there, and when Purple Sapphire gets there she meets Garnet. Garnet brings Purple Sapphire to Rose Quartz, Purple Sapphire knowing full well it could be any minute her gem rejects her and she dies from being cracked too long. Purple Sapphire gets rejected by Rose Quartz, because she thinks Purple Sapphire is still loyal to Homeworld, and will give the Crystal Gems a bad future. Purple Sapphire threatens a terrible future on Rose, and leaves the temple.

Sapphire meets Purple Sapphire, and has a fusion, Emerald, fly Sapphire and Purple Sapphire to a colony called the Shimmers. Purple Sapphire gets there, and meets many new gems. She learns the Shimmers are a group of gems that don't want to fight in the war, and yet aren't on either side, but are afraid of Homeworld and not the Crystal Gems.

Purple Sapphire meets a gem, Amber, who makes Purple Sapphire want to stay for awhile. Purple Sapphire is brought to Rose's fountain by Amber, and gets her gem healed. Purple Sapphire learns about day and night, and has always been sleeping during the night ever since.

Purple Sapphire takes a liking to Amber, but doesn't understand what her feelings are. Purple Sapphire leaves the Shimmers to go and give Rose Quartz her future. When Purple Sapphire gets to the temple, she tells Rose Quartz that her most valuable thing will be shattered, then she runs out and goes to the Shimmers.

Later on, the Shimmers are attacked and taken over by White Diamond. Purple Sapphire, Ocean (a missing Sapphire) Yellow Pearl (another Pearl), Rhodite, Padparadscha sapphire, Emerald, and Purple Sapphire get on a ship and fly to another planet and move around planet to planet for years.

Purple Sapphire wants to check on Earth and see how it's doing, so she and Yellow Pearl go on a ship that a group of Rubies took to get there, and hide until the Rubies come in, who abuse a Star Sapphire for messing up the future.

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