6•Ocean, Clover, Peach

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I barley got any sleep, for some reason Amber was all I could think about. I kept thinking about how she asked me why I was so upset. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be at homeworld with Pink Diamond and being known as special. I've been so special my entire life. The Diamonds regretted me and Pink Diamond let me in her life with open arms. She loved me more than her Pearl, and now I realize everyone is right, once my powers were out of use, she would just get rid of me.
I hopped out of the tree I was in and walked into the middle of the little village. There were small houses and big houses made of sticks and tree branches.
"You're awake! Finally," Jade said, walking up to me. Her short skirt and crop top matched the color of Pink Diamond's gem. She smiled. "I was working for Pink Diamond back in Homeworld, and pink became my favorite color. I know it doesn't match my light green body, but that's okay," she said, pushing her long green hair out of her face. I noticed she had some freckles on the side of her nose, black freckles. "Would you like to meet the others?"
I nodded and Jade showed me around. She introduced me to Aquamarine, Zircon, Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Aventurine, and Sunstone.
"Next is Peridot, she's the one that fixes our ships," Jade said.
"Peridot?" I asked, feeling rage inside me. "Where is her gem."
Jade shrugged. "I've never met her before, but I minus as well show you to her," Jade pushed some vines away and we walked out of the little village. There was a small path that lead to a pile of small space ships. Suddenly a small yellow gem came out.
"Hello, I'm Agate," the small gem said. "Do you have anything you'd like to be fixed?"
"No, we want to see Peridot," I ordered. "She's in there."
"Indeed she is," Agate said. "She's busy right now-"
I pushed passed the little runt and stormed into the pile of ships Peridot had to finish fixing. "PERIDOT! I know you're in there you traitor!"
"Sapphire! What are you doing?!" Jade snapped.
I thought she was calling me, but she was actually calling to the other Sapphire.
I felt something wrap around my body, tying my arms to my body. It wrapped around my upper thighs, making it hard to move. I looked down and saw a dark blue whip wrapped around my body.
"Can't go crazy around here," someone said to my side. I looked over and saw another Sapphire. She had short dark blue hair and wore a suit.

"What kind of Sapphire are you?" She asked

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"What kind of Sapphire are you?" She asked.
"A purple one," I snapped back, trying to untie myself. "What do you want from me."
"I want you to chill out. Peridot had betrayed a lot of us, you aren't the only one," the Sapphire said. "Call me Ocean, at least that's what everyone calls me."
"Ocean?" I asked.
"Because my gem looks like the ocean," Ocean said. Then she looked at me. "Your gem looks like Lavender."
I rolled me eye and suddenly noticed something. "Are you one of the three missing Sapphires?"
Ocean nodded. "Pink Diamond tried to shatter me after she created Clover."
"Clover?" I asked. "Another Sapphire."
"Correct. I came here to Earth, and then got caught up with this colony. That's to Blue Pearl, I'm still alive," Ocean said. "Clover got replaced with Peach, and Peach... I'm not sure who replaced her..."
"I did," I said. "Pink Diamond made me after Peach."
Ocean glared at me, but not an evil glare. She laughed and leaned her head back. "No wonder why you're no upset, you were told you were so special and now... Pink Diamond wants you dead. So, what's your special power?" Ocean said, facing me.
"Let her go Ocean," Jade said. "This is a peaceful place."
Ocean sighed and her weapon turned into smoke and dissolved.
"I can make futures," I answered. "But my gem is cracked, and I haven't been able to make futures in awhile."
"Wow, that's better than all of us combined! I'll bring you to Rose-"
"She won't heal my gem," I said.
"That stinks," Ocean answered. "Clover can heal your gem. I'll bring you to her."
"I want to see Peridot first," I hissed. "How long has she been here?"
"Fifteen years," Jade said.
"What?! It took her a year to get here?! It took my sixteen!" I snapped. "How the hell did she do that!"
Ocean said, "She programmed her ship to go a lot faster. Her gem cracked because of it, but she says it was worth it."
"She ditched me back on Homeworld," I said. "We were supposed to come here together."
"Sounds like something Peridot would do," Ocean said. "Let's go back to the village and meet Clover."


Clover was full of life, she constantly asked to take a walk in the woods with us. It seemed like the further she was from the woods or forest or nature of any kind, she just got sadder and sadder.
"I found in the war for a little bit," Clover said. "It was so upsetting, there wasn't one tree in sight."
"I'm uh... sorry?" I said, sitting on a log.
"Then Ocean found me and brought me here," Clover said, with a bis smile on her face.

"Then Ocean found me and brought me here," Clover said, with a bis smile on her face

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"Hey, you have the same gem placement as me," I pointed out. "How were you useful to Pink Diamond."
"I can see other gems futures. Sometimes I won't even know who the gem is, but I would always tell Pink Diamond. I'm the one that found out White Diamond's Pearl was going to betray her," Clover said, then she scanned me. "I can see you and Ocean have to same outfit interests."
I looked down, I was wearing a suit like Ocean, but mine was a dark purple. "I guess I was just tired of wearing a dress all the time."
"Well, here, you don't have to wear what you are forced to in homeworld," Clover said. "You can wear whatever you want here."
I walked down the path, letting Ocean and Clover talk to each other for a bit. I liked this place, but I didn't love it. Nobody here thought I was special, nobody here thought that they should treat me like royalty because the one I work for will destroy me.
"Flowers! I love flowers!" Someone yelled in the village.
Three larger gems were talking to each other in the middle of the village, they were dressed in armor. One was a Jasper, Onyx, and... I couldn't tell what the other one was.
I walked up to them, I tried to look for her gem to try to figure out what gem she was, but I couldn't find it.
"Uh, hi," I said.
They looked at me. "Hey, you're the new gem!" The Onyx said. Her dark gray skin shinned in the sunlight. "Amber told us all about you."
"Amber?" I asked.
"Yeah, she said you're cranky unless you get to know you," Jasper said.
The unknown gem laughed. Her lips shinned bright, like a Diamond.
"What gem are you," I spat out. "I... can't tell."
"I'm Diamond," she said.
"Diamond? That's impossible. There's only four-three," I said. "Yellow, White, and Blue."
"That's why I'm here," Diamond said. "I'm wrong. I'm not as tall as the others, and my gem placement doesn't match."
I looked at her lips, and realized that's where her gem was. "Your gem is on your lips," I said. "I've never seen that before. I mean, I have, but they're not able to open their mouths."
"Blue Diamond said I was special. I was made with a gap in the middle of my gem, and my gem isn't as hard as a normal gem, allowing me to move it like normal lips. But it's bad because my gem is very easy to break," Diamond said. "Rainbow Quartz says I shouldn't be a warrior."
"Rainbow Quartz. A fusion I guess?" I said.
Diamond nodded. "The fusion by Rose Quartz and Pearl. Not the leader Rose, another one. Wanna meet her... I mean if you want to be a warrior. We could use your special power, we could win every war!"
"Until my gem is healed- wait. Clover never healed my gem!" I turned around and ran back to Clover and Ocean, but they were gone. "Dammit! Why am I so stupid-"
"Purple? What are you doing here?" Amber pushed herself through a couple of bushes and almost tripped. "I see your gem is still cracked."
"I missed my chance with Clover. I don't know how I forgot," I said, crossing my arms.
"You'll find her again. I saw you talking to Diamond, she's lucky, right?" Amber said.
I felt a slight wind brush through the trees, picking up Ambers's light orange hair and tossing it out of her face. I scanned her body, her gem was on her left hip. It shinned bright from the sun. If a gem like Amber was around on homeworld, I'd be much happier there.
"Did you see where Clover and Ocean went?" I asked.
Amber shrugged. "Before we go see Clover, I want to show you something," she took my hand again and dragged me around the village, until we got to a tunnel.
"A tunnel? I've seen those before," I said.
"There's something in the tunnel, a cave," Amber said, walking inside. "You'll love it."
I pushed myself through the tunnel and I couldn't believe my eye.

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