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I ran on tan dust. It felt soft and yet cold. Water splashed on it in the distance, and the wind made it feel colder.
I ran towards the water and touched it. It was freezing, the entire planet was freezing. Homeworld was never this cold hopefully this planet is dying and all the Crystal Gems will die along with it.
"You need to leave the beach," a soft voice said behind me.
I turned around and saw a blue Sapphire. "Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Sapphire. I was fused with the Garnet that you talked to earlier," Sapphire said.
"Oh, so you seem normal. So tell me, what is the future me?" I snapped. "Why did you follow me."
"I wanted to talk to you, Sapphire to Sapphire," Sapphire said.
"I just-"
"Want to get out of this place," Sapphire said. "And fix what I said to Pink Diamond."
I nodded. She was right, I wished I never said anything like that to Pink Diamond, because of me she's gone, and Rose won't heal my gem. "So what did you want to tell me-"
"The three miss Sapphires. Them. They're all from Pink Diamond whose powers became useless when a better Sapphires came. Peach Sapphire, she was used before you. Pink Diamond got bored and made you," Sapphire explained. "She gave you your powers."
"No!" I yelled. "I was made with the-"
"If Pink Diamond didn't take your gem and grow it herself, you would be normal," Sapphire said. "I'm going to bring you to them, but you can't come back here."
I rolled my eye. "Fine. Where are they?"
"They're here on this planet. Somewhat with us," Sapphire said. "It's not too far of a walk. You'll have a small problem with one of them, not the Sapphires. There are more gems than the Sapphire," Sapphire said, walking passed me. "Follow me, we'll get there in five hours."
"Five hours?!"
Suddenly I felt strong arms lift me up and I started flying in the sky. I screamed as I was lifted in the air.
"Hi! I'm Emerald!" A voice said above me. I looked up and saw a green gem with four blue eyes, long white hair and a bright smile. "I'm the fusion of Lapis Lazuli and Pyrite."
"Uh- hi?"
Large silver wings fluttered out of Emerald's back as she flew into the sky. She wore a long black shirt and a white top. The Pyrite gem was on her back, and the Lapis Lazuli gem was on her throat.
I looked down and watched the trees below me move quickly out of sight. Emerald was flying fast, that means this place must be really far if it'll take five hours. Five hours in the sky with a fusion and a know-it-all Sapphire.


The sky got dark, Emerald told me the sun went down.
"It is coming back?" I asked.
"It comes back in about twelve hours, and then it stay for twelve hours," Emerald said. "Night and day."
"So what's it now?" I asked.
"It's night time now. It's when the species that are awake sleep at Night, and the species that sleep during the day, wake up," Emerald said. "My favorite night time specie is the Owl."
I rolled my eyes. "Homeworld didn't have days or nights. Why would the planet change the it's lightening? Why can't it be one thing?"
"That's what so special about it. And soon you'll realize that," Sapphire said.
Emerald flew near the ground and landed, dropping us to the ground. "They should be around here somewhere."
"They're down the hill," Sapphire said, walking away.
We followed her. Below the hill there were about fifty gems. I didn't see any Sapphires. Emerald ran down the hill, and stopped at the end, six gems greeting her.
"The love fusion of Shimmers!" A Zircon said, carrying a pile of wood to a fire. "Where were you?"
"I brought a new member," Emerald said, looking at me.
"A Sapphire!" A Green Pearl cried.
"What's our future Sapphire?!" A Turquoise called.
I sighed and walked towards Emerald down the hill. "What am I supposed to do here?" I mumbled.
"We call ourselves The Shimmers. We are the gems that disagree with Homeworld, but don't want to be part of the war... or got kicked out and have nowhere to go," an Amber said, walking up to us.
"Stupid Pearl kicked me out!" A Jade snapped. "Because I fell in love with Rose!"
"Rose? Rose Quartz?" I hissed. "She wouldn't heal my gem."
That made everyone silent.
"Rose heals everyone's gem. Maybe you went to the wrong one?" Zircon said.
"Or can we just expect Rose Quartz isn't as amazing as everyone says she is?" Turquoise hissed.
"She's a wonderful gem! Rose had to of had an excuse," Jade said, turning to me. "Did she?"
I held my breath. "I have a special power. I can make futures... and Rose thought that if she healed my gem I'd make a bad future for the Crystal Gems."
"That's why I hate her," Turquoise said.
"Shut up!" Jade snapped.
"Will you both quit it?!" Amber snapped, stomping on the ground and making the two go flying. Then she turned to me and smiled. "Sorry about that."
I looked away, hoping that there could be anyway I could avoid being with this crazy group. I've always had a negative mind, and I don't know why.
"You seem down," Emerald said. "Why don't we have a look around?"
"Sure," I said.
"I'll bring you around," Amber said, taking my hand and walking me through some crowds and into an open area after we passed some hanging vines. My eyes widened. It was like homeworld but with trees. It was gorgeous. Some gems flew in the sky, making it hard to see them in the night sky. There were two gems walking passed us, holding hands. The red one waved to Amber. I realized what we were doing and let go of Amber's hand.
"So- who are they?" I asked, pointing to a group of gems fighting with their weapons.
"Oh- they are warriors," Amber said, sounding hurt. "They practice fighting with their gems."
"If Rose fixed my gem, I'd be able to summon mine," I said.
I saw Amber squeeze her eyes shut, and then she lashed out. "Why are you so miserable? You seem so... dull."
"Well maybe because my gem has been broken for sixteen years!" I snapped, grabbing some people's attention. "Have you been sitting in a launch pad for years, hoping your gem will be healed. Only to have some giant pink lady let you down and have you wondering what day you'll die from the crack-!"
"Stop!" Amber cried. "Just stop yelling! You aren't going to die. You'll be fine. I'll help you heal your gem."
I rolled my eyes. "Good, I just want to go back home."
"To homeworld?" Amber asked.
I opened my mouth to say yes. But it wasn't true. I didn't know what I was saying anymore. I was more angry than anything, my powers were gone and I missed my mace. I can't go back to homeworld, they'll shatter me, especially Blue Diamond. Her and Pink Diamond were best friends-
"I don't know," I said quickly.
There was a long pause, Amber looked at me like she could see my eye through my bangs, while I was staring at the ground, thinking of everything and nothing at the same time. I knew I was here, with Amber and on Earth. But I didn't feel like I was anywhere at the time.
"How about you get some sleep," Amber said. "You seemed stressed from everything that's going on."
"What's sleep and stress?" I asked. "Are those an Earth thing?"
"Sleep is when you take a peaceful vacation inside your mind," Amber said. "Stress is when you have a lot going on in your head and you can't process it all."
"I'm able to make futures. I'm sure I can handle some stress," I said.
Amber sighed and moved my bangs out of my face so she could see my eye. Usually I would have pushed her away and fixed my bangs, but this was different.
"You are stressed, I can see it in your eye," Amber said, letting my bangs fall.
"I have powers too. I can look in ones eye and feel how their feeling," Amber said. "You're upset. If I push you enough, you'll start to cry."
"I haven't cried in awhile," I admitted. "In the launch pad when I thought I was lost."
"Well, you aren't lost here," Amber said. "Get some rest, when the big yellow ball comes up, meet me here," then she walked away.

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